"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands........" 1 Thessalonians 4:11

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A good scare crow

I awoke to the sound of distant thunder, a bright flash, and hard drops of rain plopping on the window. I am so thankful that we are getting such good moisture this time of year. My scarecrow, Muddy Mildred, has certainly done a good job. I put her together in a hurry, so I am surprised she has survived two major hard rains, a good hail storm,constant wind, and still standing. Her makeup, hair and clothes are still in place. Best of all, she is standing in a plot of peas. The birds have left and the sprouts are getting bigger. She still scares Sophie, however. It does not matter how many mornings Sophie has gone out with me to check the grounds, that she stops in her tracks and starts growling and then barking. It is so funny!

Here's Muddy Mildred after a hard rain and still smiling. ( I think she's actually smiling because she makes Sophie look silly. )

Doesn't look like much, but there are a whole lot more of these pea sprouts. I already need to do some weeding .

And now, green house pictures! Here is lettuce that I hope to raise year round. With this being my first green house, everything is an experiment.

pumpkins and decorative squash are sprouting! I can't wait till fall!

Watermelon..........yum! Which do you like best.. yellow or red?

Flowers are sprouting fast! I received a package of forget me not flower seed in the mail from a dear friend. I have never seen forget me nots. Have any of you? A friend of mine told me they are beautiful, actually what flower isn't? {: Speaking of flower seeds sent in the mail...... I have sent tons of seed over the years to family and friends when I send letters. Do any of you do this? It's so fun when another friend sends a different pack back.


LindaSue said...

Looks like things are coming up nicely for you! I love yellow meated watermelons - my grandpa from Cleburne used to go buy one (remember when they always "cored" it to prove it was ripe?). Your scare crow is surely earning her keep - thanks for the update - we have also had some rugged weather and other than replanting after hail - no big damage(except a small hole in the roof of our smaller goat shed).

Irma's Rose Cottage said...

I just love your Muddy Mildred. That might explain why some of my sprouts are also missing. Those darn birdies. I will need to make me a Muddy Mildred. Will post when she is born. I love both the yellow and red watermelons.


Farmhouse Blessings said...

Oh everything looks so wonderful! I get excited just looking at all those new little plants. I can hardly wait to see your harvest. Hope you baskets can't hold it all!
