Another year has passed by, so swiftly! With a new year to come, new plans, new ideas, and new hopes are in the making. I look back on 2009 with much happiness and with a little sorrow of things that have happened.
By March, the greenhouse was full of buds and blooms,
By June, the snakes were chased away, and egg production was so good that I started selling my eggs!
Rose ruled the nest and took claim to the best nest boxes.
and we snuck away for a wonderful trip to Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico.
By August, I was surprised to find green pumpkins growing along side my orange pumpkins...I could not figure that one out.......
and it was time for lemon meringue pie and lemonade on the porch.
By October, it was time to put the plants into the greenhouse and to seal it for the cold weather that was soon to come.
And as the cold came upon us, it was better to sleep by the fire than to roam the woods outside.

December brought the season's decorations and treats,
Along this wonderful journey I have made the sweetest friends.......
you..........blogging friends. I have enjoyed visiting your inspiring and uplifting blogs and have so enjoyed you stopping by to say hello. May the new approaching year find you much happiness. I look forward to hearing from you this coming year! Blessings to all of you!