"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands........" 1 Thessalonians 4:11

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Drive

Today is Friday...................for some that is great news because it's the end of a long week of work.....................for me................I'm not too excited................I have to go into town to run errands. My dream...............my heart's desire.............my goal................is to go to town.............just once a month, something I have not yet perfected. I might look forward to going to town each week, if the town had a Starbucks and a Hobby Lobby...............but no.............only two major grocery stores...........a handful of dollar stores, and a string of fast food chains.............. and dirty sidewalks................not much to pull at my heart strings. One thing I do enjoy, however................is the drive.............
on the way to town. There are hardly any trees...........just flat plains and fields with cotton or hay. One particular hay field is playing host to a large group of Sand Hill Cranes that come this way, for the winter, every year. If you look close at the photo, you can see them all flying and there is a group by the hay bale. I love to watch these large birds and I always look for them in this field.
This is also cattle country. The large area these cows are on, is already an emerald green..............possibly alfalfa.

This field of green and cattle stretches for miles, all the way to the interstate. Once in a while, I might get to see a deer or coyote run across. It is always wonderful to see the colors of a storm forming in the distance as well. How about you?

Do you like to go to town every week?...........or have you got it worked out to only go once in a while?
Do you drive a distance to get back and forth? What do you see? Do you have mountains and trees...........or..........do you have flat land to look across? I would love to hear!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Italian Jasmine

The Italian Jasmine shoots, I dug up, are blooming in the greenhouse and getting their tiny leaves on as well..............a good sign that all is well in the greenhouse............so far. I had hopes of selling these plants...................and now that I am not ready to get the nursery license, ...........I will see how they do potted for awhile and then maybe plant them as a natural fence for my flower garden.
Outside the Italian Jasmine is in full bloom and full of honey bees. I have always loved this old plant. One plant that I am also in the progress of sprouting in the greenhouse is yellow and pink Lantana. One of my favorite memories of my grandmother's house ..................an old white house with a large front porch.................with two large pink and yellow lantana bushes in the front of the porch. I have always loved these flowers because of that memory................
how about you? Do you remember any of your grandmother's flowers and still love those flowers today? I would love to hear!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Introducing HomeTown Seeds...........My New Garden Project!

In my last post I had mentioned that buying quality seed is an essential for raising the best quality plants.........................and now I have been introduced to a new internet seed company named........
They offer 100% non-hybrid long term storage seeds, which in these struggling times, is something a family could really use and rely on. Long term storage means that if you do not wish to plant all of the seed this season, the rest of the seeds can be stored away for 4 years or more if done so properly! They have seed of every kind to offer..................but take a look at what you get when you order their Emergency Survival Seed Package.............
First of all, notice how much seed you get in one package! Enough to plant 3/4 acres. I, in all my years of seed buying, have never gotten this much! In the Survival package, there are 16 packages of seed. (You can see them all, by clicking onto the link above). Also, a booklet is included with information on the seeds, helpful planting guides, and description and information on the seeds in the packages. The idea on the Survival package is that one will have peace of mind knowing that their family will have food during a crisis.

There are some seeds in this group that I have never tried to plant before, such as cabbage, carrots, Swiss chard and beets. As you all know, I struggle with the harsh winds, no rain, and trying soil conditions here in West Texas....... And I have to tell you that I was only planning on planting Zinnias, pumpkins, tomatoes, and cantaloupe this year..........I'm comfortable with those plants......... But after visiting Hometown seeds website and now looking at all of these wonderful seeds, I am going to make this my "test garden" and project for this planting season! Have any of you ever done this???

I have kept my large flower garden for planting my zinnias, larkspur and hopefully roses this year, and my pumpkins will have their usual space. So I tilled up a whole new garden space just for Hometown seeds alone. I plan to plant a partial amount of the seeds and store the rest away. So for now this is the size of my new garden............but I have room to till up more if I need to. I also plan to sprout some in the greenhouse. I am anxious to see how good of a gardener I become with this project. So I will be showing all of you as I go,from the ground being prepared, to planting the seed, to getting it to grow and hopefully harvest. (You will also hear about my failures.......) I am in need of more experience and this will be just the thing to test my wings! Please stop by Hometown seeds and take a look at the wonderful things they have to offer! Now my question to you...........
I am not so acquainted with beets.........do any of you grow them? If so, how do you prepare them for a meal? I would love to hear!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow, Garden Tips, and Licenses

It snowed all day yesterday............

those large, soft snowflakes.........that I just can't stop watching from my window. With March right around the corner, the garden book I am sharing tips with you from says that for February.........

Your trees should be sprayed with miscible oil or lime-sulphur solution.(used for pests and parasites), best to read this link for information....

Your garden tools should be painted and sharpened and you should make an inventory of your garden supplies.

It's a good time to start ordering the seeds you want to plant. Be sure to pick seed of good quality. I always remember that saying......"you get what you pay for". I have had wonderful results with Burpee and Ferry Morse.

Some of you may have read on my farm journal blog, Pleasant Prairie Farm

that one cannot sell potted, growing plants without a license.

I had heard a little about this at the farmer's market meeting, then from a friend of mine who used to run a nursery. I finally called the Texas Department of Agriculture in Austin, Texas, who told me the whole story and emailed me the application. It is easy to get a license, you just have to fill out the application and pay a good size fee. I fall under a class 2 and my fee would be $110.00. Since I don't have quite enough plants to sell to cover that fee or enough customers to buy from me........my plant selling days are on hold. I have got to plant bigger, talk to more people and dream bigger. But I'm not giving up.............hopefully, I will be selling my Italian Jasmine by the roadside................one day. How about you. Have you gotten everything ready for the busy month of March? What brand of seed do you like to plant with? Are you hoping to sell plants one day and have plans in the making? I would love to hear!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day To You All!

I know this is a bit early, but I have much to do and want to send a happy wish out to all of you! Thank you for being such sweet blogging friends! From my heart to yours!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

Last night was the first Farmer's Market meeting.

I was asked to bring some of my work to show, so that everyone could make a decision as to whether or not I could sell my embroidery at the market. Everyone was so friendly and loved the embroidery and of course agreed that it would be nice to have something different at the market to sell.........along with my flowers and pumpkins. There were only 4 couples there............in our area, there is not that many who do the market. This is just one reason I have reservations as to whether I want to sell at the market or not. Another obstacle is the economy and the fact that folks in this area are not prone to purchase frivolous things as embroidery. The fact that I also will need to drive 30 miles into town and back every Saturday and Tuesday from July through October.........is also something I am not sure I want to do. However, if I want to sell things, this is what it will take.
I am still in the process of making our place "a farm". Even though I have pegged it as such, it is far from being that. The folks that were there last night, did not have small gardens and big dreams................they have plowed acres, tractors and lots of produce to sell every Saturday and Tuesday. My embroidery work takes weeks to months to finish...........my gardens are microscopic compared to these seasoned farmers. They all were so encouraging and friends also want me to do this.............however.............I am not so sure. I am really thinking about selling my embroidery "on-line". My flowers and produce..........not so sure on that. I have until July to make my mind up about it. So my question to you...........do any of you sell your things at a market? Or are you selling on-line better? Do you travel a bit to get there? How are customers purchasing handmade things? I would love to hear!

Also...........if you love comfort foods, stop by my cooking blog.......My Country Kitchen....http://countrykitchenkat.blogspot.com
for this great recipe.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jack Frost And Cupid

Jack Frost has been dancing with Winter across the fields and grounds here on the farm.
He's even stopped to rest on the trees in the woods.
Meanwhile..................in the greenhouse..........another visitor has stopped by......................
Upon opening the door, I am greeted with the prettiest blossoms

of orchids...........in the prettiest colors and designs..............

Apparently, Cupid has made an early call and knows the door to my heart!
How about you? Has Cupid visited you a little early? When he does visit..........what does he bring you? I would love to hear!