"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands........" 1 Thessalonians 4:11

Friday, July 21, 2023

These very hot days........

 from what I am reading and hearing from television, social media , friends, and family

these very hot days are upon us all.......as we are all watching the July days

melt into August. How long must this go on??...........as we know here in Texas......

a bit longer

The flowers are struggling to stay perky and in bloom 
and I struggle to get out in the heat to water them.
yet.....as I hold the watering hose.....I am delighted to 
see the thirsty creatures brave enough to swoop in for a drink
They bring such beauty in just a few seconds of flight
some are still , quiet, and do their best to blend in.
Although it has been dry and we have temps up to 113 at times,
we have been blessed to get a relieving rain shower from time to time.
I spend a little bit of time each morning outside to weed and just to visit
the garden paths.  In the late evening.....it is still in the high 90s.......I drag
the garden hose around to each thirsty plant.
In the middle of the day, after the house cleaning and dinner dishes
are finished....... I spend my time with my needle.....stitching the hours away.
So tell me........what are you doing on these very hot days?
Are you vacationing.....are you on the lake or beach......enjoying the water, 
maybe you are enjoying your garden?
I would love to hear!
Keep cool everyone! 




Nancy J said...

Winter is here in NZ, the grass is still growing, a little slower than in spring. I have planted 50 daffodils, some 100 anemones and ranunculus, the small dutch iris are popping up shoots, 2 grape hyacinth have their lovely blue heads in bloom, and totally out of season, purple bearded iris, and some Lilies that should not flower till November have given me a few blooms to put into a vase. Love your flowers there, have you tried the water retention crystals? I did a few years ago when I had cherry tomatoes in buckets, they worked so well. Keep cool, I think your heat is in so man y places up north. Down here, snow on some high passes, frosts lower down, overnight temps of zero or lower, in Celcius.

Granny Marigold said...

Oh My! Our hot temperatures cannot compare with yours. I'm surprised any plants can survive 113*.
I love to be outside in the cool of the morning. After my walk I water the most vulnerable plants then come in to sit on the porch. I've become quite lax with housework but one of these days I'll get to it. Those thirsty insects are so beautiful. Granny M

Marie Smith said...

Here in PEI the humidity has been the problem but we don’t complain too much. We stay close to home and enjoy the breeze through the open windows. Everything will be closed up soon enough. Stay cool!

We Two Travellers Living the Life said...

Grateful for our Colorado mountain elevation which keeps us cooler - it's been in the high 90's - low 100's back home in FL. Good job on keeping all things watered-up. Love your embroidery! Linda

Julia said...

Your Portulacas are just the right plant for dry weather but still, they need a little watering in drought conditions. I don't think that I would like to live in such hot weather. We are having rain just about every day and can't cut and bale hay. Huge hay fields are still standing. Usually this time of year, the grass is turning brown but this year, it's lush and green. Such a different summer than we are used to.
Hard to believe that we are approaching August.

Stay cool and well.
Hugs, Julia

Gretchen Joanna said...

I see your portulaca is happy! That is a flower that I love, and it seems where I live is often not hot *enough* for it.

Your embroidered butterflies also are cheery. I saw a cabbage white out in the garden just now, where I seem to end up at the hottest time of the day...?? well, at least today was not above 90, so I worked a little while before having to come in for a drink.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Kathleen, I have been wondering about how you were doing with the heat wave. A neighbor here returned from spending a month in her native TX and she was so happy to be temps that were single vs triple digits. We have had a summer with a lot of rain storms but not searing heat waves. And, we have taken a few road trips within New England.

Debra said...

We are not as hot as many areas, and we are getting just the right amount of rain regularly. The flowers and bushes are looking amazing and HUGE! I love seeing the different bugs you have. Was wondering about rattlesnakes-it seems your climate would be perfect for them...I do remember you showing a very big snake one time:(

Bonnie K said...

Sitting on the porch, sipping lemonade, and watching the world go by.

Mary, Windy Meadows Farm said...

We've been lucky...I an NOT a hot & humid summer weather gal, but this year, it's not been too bad. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 94, and that's the hottest so far...we've stayed in the 80's. Yes...fall & winter are my favorite seasons. Such pretty embroidery...a nice, indoor project to avoid the summer sun!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Wow! How beautiful are your handkerchiefs. You are so talented. Wish I could do such pretty embroidery.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I hope the weather has gotten cooler and you didn't get any of those storm that have been hitting the southeast.

Hope you'll have a great weekend.