I am taken back to a time when my brother and I were quite young, and to a place deep in the middle of woods and mooing cows. My grandparents lived in an old white house, way out in the country, surrounded by old mesquite trees and cow stalls and barns. When my family would go visit, my brother and I would head off to the woods to an old cow stall/barn that we decided would be our club house. We would spend the day, bringing in old buckets for chairs, and other odds and ends, to make our club house the perfect space. ...........
now those cookies and cokes are tied to another part to complete this memory........
The day would be hot......we would be banging and clanging about, and we would hear her sweet voice calling to us. We would look out and there she was, walking all the way out with 3 cokes and a bag of cookies in her hands. We would happily invite her in, where she graciously sat on an old rusty bucket and shared her cokes and cookies with us........to me....that is one of the sweetest of many memories I have of her. Her name was Pearl. The photo above is one of her when she was 14. I have other photos of her and as how I remembered her, but they are stashed away and I have to do some digging. She passed away when I was 16......... I have missed her since.
Now...........go way, way back in time......what is a favorite memory of yours? A family member...a loved one.....a pet.....a friend???? Does any object or smell bring that memory back to you??
I would love to hear!
What a beautiful young lady your grandma was. That's a precious memory you have of her. I know each time you see a coke or oreos, you can't help but remember her taking the time to visit in your playhouse.
The smell of Old Spice after shave reminds me of my grandpa. He would come to the breakfast table "drenched" in it. My grandma would squawk at him, "Luther, you ought not to wear that perfume to the table!!!" Sometimes when I smell bacon cooking up, I automatically remember Old Spice!!!
Kathleen this is a lovely post with sweet and happy memories.
We lived with my grandparents until I was ten and I have lots of wonderful memories.....I would work in the garden right beside my granma and I had my own little garden..we cooked together I always wore one of her aprons and I wear aprons every single day now...my last memory is ironing pillowcases and handies starting when I was about five, to this day I love to iron.
White Shoulders perfume reminds me of my mom, I think that is why it's the only fragrance I wear....hugs, Linda
Wonderful memory! I remember when I was young time seemed to go on forever. It was nice how we lived in our own little worlds. I used to love building forts out of quilts. So, I don't get too angry when my son does that now.
What sweet memories! Thanks for sharing them.
I find it amazing how much older fourteen year olds looked in days gone by. And golly they look older with out a bunch of make-up and haughty clothing. How wonderful her visits to your "house"! What a fantastic and life forming event and memory!
Your grandmother was a beautiful lady, Kathleen!
This reminded me of spending a summer day at my grandmother's house when I was small... her house always smelled of cornbread and onions (even when she wasn't cooking) and she always kept ice cream sandwiches on hand for us kids. What sweet memories!
Your grandmother was a beautiful woman. What wonderful childhood memories of the playhouse, drinking Cokes and eating Oreos. I recall growing up we would drink Cokes and eat Moonpies. What wonderful memories growing up. Yes, the photo of the red house on my blog was my childhood home and I also have so many memories growing up there. Have a blessed weekend and thank you for visiting my blog.
What a lovely story and memory, Kathleen. Your Grandmother sounds like she was a very sweet lady. Isn't it funny the different things that can trigger a memory for us. Happy weekend to you! :)
Yes, a sweet post. Your Grandma was pretty.
The smell of a lake in the summer brings back the many memorable times myself and my sisters spent at Lake of The woods near Klamath Falls, Ore.Camping, fishing, visiting with our family.
What a sweet post! I always remember going to my grandma's and trying on my aunts high heel shoes. She had some clear plastic ones with rhinestones and I would pretend that they were Cinderella's glass slippers. Of course, when my aunt would see me wearing them she would get upset. But, I didn't care, I tried them on every time I stayed at my Grandma's house. LOL
Hugs :)
those are wonderful memories.
i like mememores of childhood play and the kindness of any adults in that life.
that last comment was from me... nAncY
i have two new blogs, and signed in with the sineann one.
i will try with my other one now which is http://justsaytheword.wordpress.com/
A beautiful memory. Makes me think of my girls making me and their Daddy a mud meal-and us pretending to eat it. I hope they cherish the memories as you have yours.
Oh, Miss Kathleen!
What wonderful memories...
Your grandmother was very beautiful! It sounds as though, she was beautiful on the inside, as well.
My husband and I want these same memories for our grandchildren (our future grandchildren) one day. I didn't have grandmothers so I love hearing about memories, like yours, with your grandmother.
I'm off to daydream (again) about what times with my grandmothers would have been like...
Thank you for making me think!
Many Blessings,
Hi Kathleen. Your grandmother was so pretty and must have been so sweet to come visit ya'll in your clubhouse.
I remember my Paw-Paw when I was young used to let me sit in his lap on Sunday while he read the newspaper after church while Nanny and Mom were making fried chicken for lunch. Nanny alway had fried chicken on Sundays. Paw-paw would let me pull his fountain pen out of his shirt pocket and scribble and draw on the newspaper while he read it. I'm sure it was jiggly, but I always felt so honored that he let me take out his pen.
Great post to help us all to recall special memories!
Yes I was very close to my grandma too.... when she passed away she had instructed my grandpa to see that I got her oil paints, brushes and easel. I also have a quilt she started that I am (hopefully) finishing, and glass beaded hot-matts she made. Sometimes i still fel very close to her. She has ben gone for over 30 yrs.
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