"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands........" 1 Thessalonians 4:11

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Promise Of Good Things To Come

It seems lately, that time just slips away from me. Before I know it, the sun is going down and I still have much to do. I run out of things to blog about....and when I do come up with something.....it takes time to get it done.....do you find it like this at times?
But soon.......

from my kitchen and to my country kitchen blog......I will have a recipe for this wonderful easy pie.....that I could eat every slice......every day! Also
I have never cared for ravioli........until I tried it in the most unusual way.......again...the recipe will be coming soon to my blog.......I promise!

From my garden,........a new garden I am working on. Since I am a stitcher....and every stitcher needs a pincushion.......and I am a gardener.......every gardener needs a pincushion!

I love pincushion cactus and I spend my walks finding them, digging them up and planting them in my pincushion garden.

Also from my garden the pumpkin vines are stretching out over the grounds

and blooming......a promise of a good harvest come fall time.

From the hen house.......Rose is still queen of the nest box in the far left corner and she has taken it up on herself to keep a watchful eye on.....

the newest brood. Soon they will be big enough to produce a good amount of fresh eggs.

From my studio.....I always have something to stitch and finish....and this is part of something I am about to finish and post on my embroidery blog.......

as well as this.......and as most of you know.....stitching takes a lot of time. So thank you all for stopping by and leaving a comment....I so enjoy hearing from you and your thoughts. I will be stopping by to visit you as well. Now my question....
Which seems to be the busiest time of year for you? .......the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas?........the school days filled with ballgames and lessons?.......the school break for the summer?......the garden work perhaps? I would love to hear!


Anonymous said...

I love the pincushion cactus. Can't wait to see those recipes and oh the embroidery looks so pretty. My busiest season is summer trying to beat down the weeds!!!

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

The pie puts bad thoughts in my mind--very bad for my diet! As for "busy," it is my middle name. But Christmas always takes the cake. I ALWAYS bite off more than I can chew. I plan, plan, plan: baking, crafting, shopping, entertaining, the stress out and then end up scraping plans. It is the same every year! Maybe this year I'll break the cycle! In fact, I am resolving to do so this very minute! (We'll see..)C

Kelly said...

I can't wait for the pie recipe.. Our most busy time has been winter, summer, fall and spring since we moved to the farm. There has been so much work getting the hous livable,electricity, plumbing, floors etc. The barn and animals have kept us busy. It is a great busy. I love it. The Holidays are icing on my cake.

Grammyof13 said...

Me as well - I would like the pie receipe. I reached to take a spoon full, but I met with the computer screen barrier! Shucks!
I wear myself out during Christmas Holidays to the point of not enjoying it. I'm trying to do better.

KathyB. said...

Beautiful embroidery! Seems you have much to occupy your time.

Summer! My least favorite and busiest time of the year. I might even go so far as to say I hate summer, but God created the seasons...so I'll stick with " least favorite" .Too hot, too many " special " activities, too much to water and weed, and ....too much of everything except the leisure summer is s'posed to be famous for.I have not really ever had a summer vacation in my life as I have been working to earn money ( babysitting, berry picking ) since I was 10 years old. Give me Fall and Spring any time.Hey, Christmas busyness beats summer for me, hands down.

Debbie said...

That pie looks down right delicious! Thanks for the comments you left on my blog; I am so thankful that the Lord had moved you to a safer place where you can enjoy your life. I understand, as He moved us here to the agricultural district out of the heart of Dallas Texas. We've enjoyed our life here too.

Lanny said...

Oooh yeah, bussssssy. Hot weather like cold weather brings extra work. But I love it it keeps me off the streets and outa trouble!

Unfortunately it keeps me from doing much writing and visiting!

Linda said...

Kathleen, I can't wait for the recipes especially, for the pie...my mouth is watering just looking at the picture.

I love your "pincushions"...I did not know that was the name of the cactus, it has a pretty bloom too. Being a stitcher too, I think I need to find one and pot it...too fun.

Gosh, I use to think the holiday's were my busiest time of year but it just seems every day is busy and time is just flying by....hugs, Linda

DayPhoto said...

For me the busy time of the year starts in spring and ends with the first snowfall. Of course it just ends the MAJOR outside stuff, the animals still need care and the house stuff just continues as always.


Vickie said...

I don't know Kathleen, each season that comes seems to bring a different kind of busyness with it. I suppose the holiday season from after Thanksgiving through New Years. I love,love,love Thanksgiving - all the get-together-ing without all the gifts. Christmas stresses me out so badly. I like it on Christmas day when everything's done, but getting ready for it weighs me down. I was thinking about Christmas the other day, and wondering what I could do now to avoid that this year. Hmmmmm....

Luscious pie - I need that recipe quick!

Vickie said...

Man, Kathleen! I went and read your comment on Debbie's blog about taking your puppy out and the gang of boys came down your street. THAT is scarey stuff!!! I know you're glad to be out of that. If they'd known you were there, I don't like to think what might have happened! The Lord was shielding you from their sight for sure!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Oh . . . . . that pie looks so good I can't think about anything else. Seriously.

But I think for me every part of the year is busy, just different ways at different times. Right now it's just hard to get moving as much as I should - too hot!

Anonymous said...

oh. i guess all seasons have there busy times, but, i seems to me that maybe grape harvest tops the list.

your photo of the pie looks very tasty. looks like lemon.

the photo of the embrodiery reminds me to tell you that i have an old box that a football came in when it was bought probably when my father was small, and my grandmother saved some of her embrodiery patterns in it. i will have to take some photos of them so that you can see them. i would think that some of them would be the right size to be duplicated on a copy machine as well. i suppose some people might be interested in seeing them anyway.


Sunny said...

Busiest time of year for me seems to be the summer. I love fall when things slow down and it seems I can relax a bit more.

Flower said...

Everything looks great...the garden, the food and your hand work! You are busy!!
Our young chickens haven't started laying yet...a few more weeks and they will. The old girls are cackling away every morning.

Pat / Silver Thimble Quilt Co. said...

Can't wait for the recipe. I used to think the holidays were the busiest but now it seems I am busy year round. AND MY CHILDREN ARE GROWN!! I thought life would slow down but NOOOOOOO.


TxFarmhouse said...

You always have such sweet and inviting posts on your blog..and I'll pull up and chair and have a piece of that pie!

Anonymous said...

hurry with those recipes! that pie looks mighty refreshing! summer is definately not my busy time of year, though it should be, i can be as lazy as the heat asks me to be! the cool fall weather wakes me up and gets me going and i love it!

Julie said...

Oh my my!
Miss Kathleen, you sure are a busy girl and everything looks delicious and lovely!

Very good question about when our busiest time is. Wish I could answer that one, but I don't have time *winks*!!!

Have a Blessed weekend,

peggy said...

Oh please hurry with the recipes.. and I love your chicken pictures. My busy time is now, my two grandchildren who are here most days when school is out always want to DO things, and then the garden needs to be wrapped up, the salsa made and the grape jelly made and some dolls and things for the busy season at the craft mall. I wish everyone lots of energy and patience with their busy times.

Vintage Linen Treasures said...

For some one who can't think of what to blog about, you sure have very beautiful, interesting and entertaining posts. I agree that it can be a little time consuming to blog. I'm so glad you squeeze out some time to share with us!
Thank you and blessings,
Patricia :o)

Connie said...

I enjoyed your photos and sharing your day, Kathleen. That pie looks yummy! Have a good weekend! :)

Irma's Rose Cottage said...

Your pie looks sooooo yummy! Can't wait to get the recipe. Love your embroidery. I looking forward to when my little chicks(well they are young hens right now)start to lay.

Hugs :)


Brenda Kay Ledford said...

I love the photos--the lemon pie looks so good. I love the chicken, the pincushion cactus and the embroiders is so pretty. Yes, summer is a very busy season. It seems as though there's never enough time to do all you want. Have a blessed weekend.

papel1 said...

Have been neglecting my blogging friends. Thats what happens when you start twittering, doing facebook, even a few eBay auctions. Just enjoying lazy days of summer.