Have you ever seen an image or something while you are out and about and it brings to mind a favorite verse or passage from the Bible?
We have an old church pew on our front porch......whenever I look at it, I think about the many people who gathered at church, sang in worship, and prayed. Three crickets were gathered together on the top arm of it today.....and it just brought to mind the verse out of Matthew 18:15-20.
What is your favorite verse and why? What makes you think of it? I would love to hear!
That's a tough question. I agree, different situations and problems bring up different scriptures; and isn't that a wonderful thing. It is proof that we've memorized a lot of the Bible. I hear people say that the Bible was written by men and can't be trusted. I memorized this verse in order to confront that. 2 Tim 3:16-17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
I love these verses.
My favorite verse is
John 3:16....one of the very first verses I learned in Sunday school...I've always loved it, to me it's most comforting....hugs, Linda
Nice post. I also have an old Church pew sitting on the veranda (we call it that because our home is more town Victorian that country farm house).
I don't have a favorite verse, but I have favorite books of the Bible. They have changed over the years, but I still return often to Ephesians and Proverbs, and I noticed that the book of Job and Ecclesiastes are also books I keep re-reading. I used to find the latter 2 depressing, but now I see the true encouragement and wisdom in these books that put so much of life into perspective. There truly is "nothing new under the sun". Good post, and what a cute picture for your post.
I love reading scripture and my "favorite" changes depending on my needs at the time. I do love Isaiah -Chapter 35 about the Joy of the Redeemed and especially chapter 55: 6-13. When I read your verse for the cricket gathering I remembered a story about a tent revival preacher known for having an appropriate verse for any situation. One night in east Texas - the june bugs were swarming around the lights and as the preacher opened his mouth wide a bug flew in his mouth and he swallowed it. One smart alec deacon said " so what's your verse for that Brother?" the preacher never missed a beat and said "he was a stranger and I took him in".
Proverbs 3:5-6 (New International Version)
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
Why? Trust and be blessed. It's a truism. There are so many sweet truths in scripture and there is wisdom! :))
What a wonderful post.
When I see all sorts of things or animals, I am always reminded of different scriptures so it is hard to pin point one.
Thank you for visiting, and for leaving such encouraging words.
have a great day,
Love your thoughts and your photo. My favorite-comes from the 46 of Pslams-Be still and Know that I am God. In times of trouble thats enough to sustain me-just be still and know.
What fun a cricket party!!!
Mine is not a favorite verse but a favorite Psalm (63).....it has helped me through many things in my life.
Again you have made me think. I remember going to a job I didn't particularly like. There was much strife and gossip, and from my heart each morning I prayed, "Put a watch over my mouth, and keep the door of my lips" Ps 141:13. I didn't want to be a part of the strife.
Ugh! Grasshoppers and crickets... those little critters love to snack on farm products.
there are a handfull of people that i would like to stay in touch with from my two years of blogging.
i count you in that handfull.
if you ever want to exchange email, or old fashioned letters for that matter, just give me a shout.
We have an old poor box from a church - found it in an antique stall at Coney Island (of all places). I love having bits of church around the house. I keep a hymnal on my piano too. Cool post.
I think the 23rd Psalm is my favorite because I find the words so comforting.
I enjoyed this post, Kathleen. Made me smile. :)
I'm terrible at verse memorization, I just get concepts and general areas where "something" might be.
I don't really have any favorites but I have acquired a couple of verses that I know by heart and their references too because... well just because. One is found in three places and says; "Things that cause people to sin are bound to come, but woe to that person through whom they come. It would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. So watch yourselves." Luke 17:1-3. That verse causes me to really take stock in the things I am about to do. It comes to mind when I come across a particularly large rock at just the right time!
The other is very very personal; "And the Lord said, 'Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.'” Luke 17:31-32. I am a Simon, and when Satan tries to throw me for a curve by taking me down memory lane like only he can, I remember this verse and what it did for me when I read it as if for the first time, and the Holy Spirit opened up my eyes to how much God cares for each and everyone of us. The Holy Spirit has also used that very verse to set my feet upon my particular way at a particular time.
Your photo is very endearing and very memorable!
I have an old church pew on my front porch too, Kathleen!
Whenever we have visitors they usually want to go see all the animals, especially the sheep, but Daisy and Edie are very scared around someone they don't know. It always reminds me of John 10:4-5-
"And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep folow him, for they know his voice. And a stranger they will not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers."
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