"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands........" 1 Thessalonians 4:11

Monday, June 17, 2019

There is something in the nature of silence which affects me deeply.......

Why it is I know not; but I do know that I love to be alone at such an hour as this. I love to forget the outward world and hold communion with the beings of the mind. 
Charles Lanman, "Musings," 1840


Granny Marigold said...

At 5 this morning I sat out on the porch and marveled that right in the middle of a small city it could be perfectly quiet. After having company for a week I craved aloneness and quietness. It may be a bother not to be able to sleep longer any more
( although I've never been much of a sleeper) but to greet the morning with a mug of fresh coffee is a delight.
I hope your week has many moments of delight!

Faith said...

Silence as they say is Golden. When you tune in, you hear all kinds of wonderful sounds of nature.

The Wykeham Observer said...

Some moments of quiet are important to our well-being, I think anyway. That is a nice rock formation there.

lil red hen said...

I spend a lot of time alone ~ well, not really; God is always with me.

Nancy J said...

So true, and also the silence of nature, as I did, when I could sit among our trees at our other home.Down below, a stream with water barely moving, no wind to rustle leaves or branches, you can be refreshed like there is no other way.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Lovely picture. Good Quote. Quiet. As I age, I seek the elusive quiet. When Terry walks in the room, he asks why isn't the TV on. I no longer turn on the radio in the car. It has never bothered me to be alone and I seek the quiet to read or just ponder. It's why I don't mind weeding. What ever happened to the younger me who loved to crank up the volume on the radio so I could feel the music? What happened to the younger me that wanted...or needed background noise.
xx, Carol

HappyK said...

I know the feeling. One reason I enjoy my morning walks so much!
Beautiful picture.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Silence is always appreciated and I always appreciate it as well. My husband needs to have some sort of background noise, so we always have music playing in our home.

Hill Top Post said...

One of my favorite quotes has to do with this subject. Pearl Buck wrote, "Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up."

Connie said...

Lovely and peaceful post. I greatly appreciate silence when I can find it too.

Sally said...

I'm sorry to have missed this; must have been at my granddaughter's again.

Things were pretty quiet here last night seeing as how it was the 4th. I love silence with a good book. In fact, it takes me to places I'll never visit, and hopefully not places when I read mysteries. :)

Lovely photo's.
