"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands........" 1 Thessalonians 4:11

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It seems that every where we turn these days.............

the fear of uncertain times and doom hang over us.............
the television is swamped with doomsday shows..........with folks preparing.............
planning...............and waiting in fear.
Our pastors are now giving us lists in sermons..............
Fear and uncertainty can be such a powerful force and it can swallow us up even when we are
"secure in our faith"

Well, at this moment, I do not have a school bus bunker buried outside, I don't have a pantry with 20 years worth of food and articles..............
I do have my faith and I cling to the rock of the One who comforts me and gives me hope.
Have we ever known what lies ahead of us for sure?
Have we not in some way, always had times of uncertainty...............even in better economic times?
We never know when the next tornado, the next fire, the next big bad wolf , will be coming to the door.
I think fear is always somewhere...............waiting.............
we have to know how to overcome it.
In times like this, I turn to scripture and words of encouragement to lighten the heaviness of fear.
I hope that whatever you are facing today, that you find your rock to cling to and to be able to find some peace in doing so.
I end this post with a wonderful list from one of my favorite people........
Helen Steiner Rice

Helen Steiner Rice's
10 Commandments

The personal commandments of Helen Steiner Rice emphasized optimism:

1. Thou shalt be happy
2. Thou shalt use thy talents to make others glad.
3. Thou shalt rise above defeat and trouble.
4. Thou shalt look upon each day as a new day.
5. Thou shalt always do thy best and leave the rest to God.
6. Thou shalt not waste thy time and energy in useless worry.
7. Thou shalt look only on the bright side of life.
8. Thou shalt not be afraid of tomorrow.
9. Thou shalt have a kind word and a kind deed for everyone.
10. Thou shalt say each morning -- I am a child of God and nothing can hurt me


LindaSue said...

well said - used to think about going more "survivalist" in our life but decided - we have the ultimate security - in fact an eternity of it!

Country Gal said...

Life in its self is uncertain ! I feel these days people are a lot more paranoid about things way to much . It will be what it will be and it will happen when it happens , in the mean time live your life to the fullest and enjoy what good things mother nature offers us ! These bubble people I call them are missing out on a lot of wonderful things ! Just my opinon ! Good post. Have a great day !

Betty Lou said...


IanH said...

Amen to that!

Unknown said...

Wonderful post!

Glenda said...

An old song says, "Many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand. But I know Who holds tomorrow, and I know Who holds my hand." Thanks for the timely manner!

Jenny said...

That's why I rarely watch the news, watch very little tv & thankfully, my pastor never preaches doomsday sermons. We're not doomed so why should he?

I love Helen Steiner Rice & you are right, we have hope, more than hope a promise from a very dependable Source.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

You are so right, Kathleen. Either we trust Him or we don't. He is able.

Anonymous said...

I have always been a bit amused by "survivalists", even those who say they believe in Jesus. Why store up your treasures on earth, and 20 years worth of food would certainly fit that bill. I watch what is going on in the world, especially Israel because I have studied the Book of Revelation. Jesus is coming...tomorrow, 10 years, we don't know, but I plan on being ready when He calls. If one believes, why such fear? Fear is of the enemy, not God.

blessings, jilly

Michaele said...

There was a question on a group I follow on facebook today - it was "What has yoga taught you about fear?" My very favorite comment someone wrote was "turn it into milk and drink it". Sometimes we just need to embrace or fear and welcome it, rather then allow it to take us over unwillingly. Anyway, I have been thinking about that all day - and then I read your post.

Connie said...

It's true we never know what tomorrow will bring. I love the list from Helen Steiner Rice. That makes good sense to me.

lil red hen said...

Such a wonderful list! I need to post it where I can read it every day.

Paula said...

This was wonderful, Kathleen... so many people seem to think they can "prepare" for what lies ahead when in reality, there is only one preparation we can make and be sure of, and that's where we will spend eternity. The rest is in the Father's Hands...

Sunny said...

Hi Kathleen. I just got my internet hooked back up and read the last several of your posts. So much time is wasted on fear that we would miss out on seeing the blessing right under our nose if we give into the fear. Beautiful thoughts and pictures on your blog as always!

A Colorful World said...

Such an amazing post, Kathleen. I do need this. My faith is never wavering, but I worry A LOT. :-) I know God's will will be done, and that is what is best for us. But, I also see Satan running rampant in our world, and it saddens me so.

Mini said...

What a beautiful post Kathleen! We really do need to trust in His Providence...thanks for reminding.