it is a tranquil time here on the grounds of the farm..............for which, I am thankful.

Flowers are beginning to bud.............

as well as the roses.....................

pumpkins out in the greenhouse are getting stronger and taller and will soon be transplanted to their awaiting garden space. A pomegranate tree and a lilac bush have come to live here on the grounds as well...........and I look forward to seeing them bloom .............

Even the mesquite trees which , during the most part of the year,are
gnarly and thorny, are showing off their best during this time of spring. Their honey scented blossoms have attracted small bees , whose buzz can be heard when walking underneath the cluster of leaves and thorns.

Among the dust, the hot dry winds, the scratchy rough plants of the prairie, and the endless struggles of taming a wild and
unyielding land, I find peace, happiness and hope in what there is that surrounds me. It's bliss................when looked for and appreciated.
How about you?
Although I am sure you are going through your own conflicts with mother nature..........
what speaks out to you and takes you away if just for one moment??
I would love to hear!
Such lovely pictures, Kathleen. It all looks so peaceful and pretty.
Wow! Your impatiens are really pretty. That's what I'm missing this year, need to go get some. And I find that chicken therapy is really beneficial most days. Just to watch them going about their chicken business and their contented murmurings makes me happy.
Our weather is just awful, cold, rainy and snowy and I look in on you and you have things growing. I am so happy for you.
I was wondering if you were near the fires. Glad everything looks so peaceful at your home. Beautiful pictures. Sometimes I just sit outside and stare at all the goings on around me with the wildlife. That relaxes me.
I wish we could send you some rain! I think I could count on one hand the days we've had without it since late January. :) Still, I am thankful that we haven't had tornadoes or fires.
When I need to refocus I like to draw or take walks. Good thing I don't mind getting wet too much.
Lovely pictures
I want pumpkins for the kids this year...but I never end up planting them.
I LOVE that baby duck picture in the sidebar... oh my gosh (o:
What a beautiful rainbow and it is sitting right over your HOUSE!!! A very good sign I am sure!
Always such a peaceful feeling here at your place Kathleen. Thank you for sharing your beautiful flowers, and thoughts.
Wishing you and your family a most blessed Easter.
I have been watching the news and seeing the rough times your neck of the U.S. is going through. We have below freezing temps here and so far more than 45 days of rain out of 49. Rainy, freezing weather here to hot, dry, and fire-loving days there where you live. It helps me to remember God is in control, no matter what , and though it seems He has forgotten, we know He has not!
Your plants are lovely and you seem to be able to remember your blessings amidst the destruction. God is good, praise Him !
Kathleen, I cannot ever read your blog without knowing you are at peace with where you are, with who you are.Thank-you.
Bless your heart, Kathleen~ I had no idea about the fires until I read your last post... so scary.
We are having the very opposite... it seems every week we have a threat of tornados and flash flooding... we are dealing with SO much water and no place for all of it to go.
The streams from the mountains around us are already overflowing their banks, but I know God knows what is best...
It snowed here Tues. & Wed. I love the snow, even the late spring stuff...then I'm snapped back into the reality of the mud that comes with it..ugh. The robins have been busy pulling up worms once the snow melted and that has been a special thing to watch.
Just beautiful Kathleen. Wishes for a blessed Easter.
Kathleen, thanks for letting us know you are safe from the fires raging in parts of Texas. It's great that you can find peace in the midst of the world's turmoil. For me, being outdoors takes me away whether it's working around the yard or reading a book on the front porch in the late afternoon.
Belated Easter greetings.
Pretty pictures! I hope the fires stay far away from y'all and that some rain will come to help.
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