storm over my thoughts and heart..............
I was allowing "the ways of the current world" scare me out of.
So today, I went to town, completely armed with my pet carrier and scooped up handfuls at a time of these fluffy and chirpy little ones.
and look at these precious little feet ............I love little duck feet, don't you??
For years, while we lived in town, this is all husband heard about...............
chickens. And fresh eggs.
My whole dream has been to raise a family, live out in the country and raise lots of chickens and ducks..........and what ever else might come along.
And yes, hard times are near and far.........all around and all across the country. But I can't put off living the happiness of today in fear of what will happen tomorrow...........I know that is something the Lord does not want us to do.
I have decided to work at making my dreams come true.................until the hard times come..........when they do...........I will just lean on the Lord and work through them as best I can.
How about you? Are the struggles and the worries of the world slowing you down to run the race of what you love to do? Are you putting things on hold............until a better day?
Or are you jumping in with both feet and living life to the fullest?
I would love to hear.
Thanks for this reminder, and you put it all so well ;) Agreed 100% with all, and your pics just made my day! Thank you again, and have a blessed day & remainder of the week!! -Tammy
I'm so glad you shared this, Kathleen. I have been feeling the same, for various reasons. I can't slow down too much because I have my 3yr old son here with me, which is a blessing since I'd probably crawl into my bed, pull the covers over my head and hide from life on many days - if I really had that choice.
I love the pictures of your little chicks! They are absolutely adorable...and I also dream of chickens and fresh eggs, which my hubby is very aware of these days since I keep telling him about it! LOL!
I really admire the way you have chosen to live your life and it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who has moments of despair. Thank you for sharing this so honestly. I'm glad to see that you're not letting yourself be defeated by it. You're right, we need to lean on God and trust in Him to care for us and deal with the things that are beyond our control. Sometimes that is easier said than done, but we have to keep trying.
Wishing you many Blessings and Peace of Mind - Always :)
I love that duck picture!!
Kathleen, you 'new' family is darling. Nothing like that little web foot ...
Have a beautiful day ~
I so agree that we are living in times of uncertainess, but you are wise in enjoying each and every day. A trouble do pass, and the joys, well they stay with us forever!
I'm glad you are following your dream, Kathleen. Life is too short not to. I think we all get bogged down sometimes and forget what is most important to us. I hope you continue to seek happiness and that the hard times don't find you. :-)
I think many of us live or have lived in uncertain times, and try to manage ...I'd love to have some chickens and ducks, but they are not allowed here HOA.
I haven't been cheated intirely , I did have some when Iived in NJ...I coud again but I'd have to move and hubby isn't willing..So I make do with what I have and I'm thankful for it all....
It IS hard, Kathleen, not to be overwhelmed by all the terrible things we are hearing on a daily basis. But isn't it good to know that none of it is any surprise to our God. And He is able to keep us, no matter what. I find "chicken therapy" to be wonderfully restorative myself. LOL Hugs and love, Elaine
Wish I lived in the country and could go get some of those adorable poultry. But, alas; I simply feed the squirrels and birds in my small backyard instead. I'll have to enjoy your Kathleen. Hey, at my age and time in life sometimes everthing threatens to overwhelm me! I have a friend in Jesus, and He encourages me to get up and run the race!
We are careful with our limited funds but definitely not avoiding doing what needs to be done - we've had chickens for a couple of years and I find it SO satisfying. Yes feed has gone up considerably in the past year - but feeding our cluckers more table scraps and any weeds I pull out of the garden spaces gives them some extra. Glad you are doing what you are meant to do - Oswald Chambers wrote "We look for visions from heaven, for earthquakes and thunders of God's power. . and we never dream that all the time God is in the commonplace things and people around us. If we will do the duty that lies nearest, we shall see Him"
So tend your gardens and your chicks and ducks and rejoice in day to day life in the country - just as you always have. Living in the country is a big step closer to heaven for us!
Man do I hear you! I have to struggle to not allow myself to worry. There is just so much to worry about I am afraid I would become completely immobile. We have to go on. For the sake of all the cute little ducks and chicks out there who need us to be strong for them. The is the cutest duck photo I have ever seen!
No time like the present to live our dreams.
The lord says to live one day at a time and do not think about tomorrow as today has its own problems. Give your worries over to the lord and enjoy your sweet babies. I would be sleeping in the coop if I had those. What a precious photo. Give each of those babies a kiss from me. I love feathers...
Hi Kathleen, Yes you have to live for today. I really had to deal with this question last June when Alex decided to move back to Florida. That really left me in a bind financially and physically. Ted encouraged me to continue. It was hard and there were times when I didn't think we could do it. Well, we made it through winter. We had to buy hay this year. Ouch, was that a big budget destroyer. I think we can do this. Spring gives us promise. I love the chicks and ducks. We are expecting ours May 3. Warmer days and easier to take care of chicks. Good luck with your endeavor. Animals make the home happy.
Oh Kathleen... I love your new little fuzzy-bottoms!
I feel the same way right now... some days I feel secure in the Lord, but then other days I feel utterly defeated. Which I know is my own fault for letting my doubts and fears overwhelm me... but still, things seem so uncertain.
I am trying to live each day as it comes, which is something I'm not used to doing as I am quite a "control freak". I've also explored several different ways of bringing in a little extra income, but so far nothing has worked out.
I guess it's times like these I'm glad I have friends like you who are going through the same things I am... we can always lean on each other for support and prayers.
Kathleen, I have been missing you. I'm so glad I took time to stop by tonight and read about your world. (In which you know you do not live alone) for uncertain times are everywhere. I praise God you have such a beautiful attitude that blesses all your readers, especially me. I'm glad you bought the little web feet creatures to watch them grow under the nourishment you give. We are on the farm with you and I pray Peace that passes understanding will keep your heart through Christ Jesus.
Blessings, friend.
Hello Kathleen,
Your chickens and ducks are adorable. You will have lots of fun just watching them grow. Just think of all the beautiful food you will make with the eggs.
Live your dream Kathleen.
Happy days.
Kathleen, we are also trying to live our lives to the fullest given our resources. We live simply, shop very little and enjoy being in our home. Grenville enjoys veggie gardening and we both enjoy the bounty of his work. I actually enjoy working outdoors, even if it's only weeding. We thought about chickens, but then realized the neighbors would not enjoy them and when we went away there would be no one to care for them. Thanks for letting me enjoy those prevcious bunders of feathers through your post. The nearest Tractor Supply (45 min. drive) has chicks and ducks and we have gone there just to drool for awhile!
Kathleen, you have some beautiful comments here. I am just catching up from being away. I'm a worrier too and I want so much to fix everything for everybody, and that is sure silly. If we are living with the things we love, like chickens and ducks and sewing and all of the little blessings, I think we will be all right. And I think it's good to talk about it also and know you are not alone.
I have been feeling like that some. I had wanted to get a few ducks this year....then I read your blog and then see those precious duckie faces!! I keep saying wait ah bit but dog gone.
Beautifully written Kathleen, I love baby chicks and ducks, we have both and raised them ourselves. Going to the chicken house and coming in the house with a basket with eggs is so wonderful, not to mention eating them. lol. I agree with all that you said about enjoying our life right now, and trusting the Lord to help us.
Great post.
Thanks for your visit, and for taking the time to leave me such a sweet note.
Hurray for you! Don't change your mind either! You have chicks and ducks......I now have 2 donkeys!! They keep me entertained and busy and I love it. I really have to keep reminding myself that God will take care of us and provide for us, no matter what happens; there are so many who are pessimistic and non-believers and have made worldly things their God that it makes my heart sad for them. So, thank you for sharing and caring and believing! Take care.
Hi Kathleen! Glad for your positive outlook. Yes, things are getting a little shakey, but.... we are reminded to keep going and leave our cares to the Lord.
This is the first year we will ot be able to garden, as in regular garden. and that could be scary to me, but I will do what I can in containers.
I am taking a painting course which I am really enjoying. 21 weeks of it and learning so much. I beieve the Lord wants to bless His children with the desires of their hearts and in turn we bless
I just love it here, I spent most my childhood on my grandparents farm in NC and I tell you I do not like it here in Calif, even if it is a small old town , I just love your site.
This is a wonderful post and I am encouraged by your words...
That is just about the cutest photo of baby ducks that I have ever seen!!!
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