of snow that came to us in the night............(much needed moisture). As I write this, I can still hear the wind roaring outside, as it blows the snowflakes into the porch area.

Such a cold day...........................I am the only one who has dared to venture out to feed the animals this morning. Even Sophie decided to stay in her snug corner and to sleep a little longer.

Just yesterday, I was outside in the sunshine, being visited by this friendly little bird. The past few days, it has sat on a tree limb just inches away from me. I am not sure why it is so friendly,

but it is patient enough to let me follow it around the grounds, taking close up photos. I am always amazed and delighted by nature's gifts and God's little surprises during my day! I have seen this kind of bird during this season each year, by spring, it seems to have moved on. This year, I feel blessed to have such a friendly one to visit................I hope it has found a warm spot to stay in today!

So today, I will not be sitting outside to stitch, or to work the garden grounds.
It's time to find a really good old movie, to make a pot of stew and to enjoy the view from my window.
How about you? Are you enjoying the snow............or are you really ready for it to melt away?
I would love to hear!
Hi Kathleen, just checking on my blog friends and expected to see something from your greenhouse, but surprise, snow for you too. Just talked to my daughter in Illinois, they expect 20 inches and I am sure we will get our share too. Love your little bird. I always called them snowbirds but haven't seen any this year. Stay warm.
I'm surprised as you are about you waking up to snow.I remarked to hubby that you were just about ready to plant your garden with all the sunshine you had yesterday..It's cold here in NC and wants to start raining....Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the High 60's and then revert back to colder weather..Spring where art thou!
Well, lucky you, Kathleen. I am at work today. We didn't get much precip and it doesn't look too good for the rest of the day. We're just kind of on hold right now to see what's gonna happen. I think we missed the brunt of the snow/ice. But, the wind is howling and I had to really hold on tight to my steering wheel as I drove in to work today. You have a wonderful snug as a bug day, watch the birds, make your stew and see a good chick-flick for me, too!
Even Sophie has her preferences! We are awaiting the'big storm'!
No snow here, though if the Mr. could make it snow in San Diego he WOULD!!!
Amazing that it was so sunny yesterday. Wow. Now that our rains have stopped(for now), everywhere repairs are being made to the hillsides. Not sure why precautions were not taken years ago. My aunt lives on a hill, but their HOA put in a zig zag concrete drain for the water. In ten years they have not had problems.
We had here in Ga a few weeks ago 8 days so I was glad to see it go. Never thought I would say that as we seldom see it.
I can see you trying to sit on that snow covered bench stitchin'... your fingers would be frozen.
Like you, we had to wonderful warm days and we took advantage of them outside.
Stay in and stitch, I will keep watch for some pictures of your handmade creations.
I know it is our due...
we had the warm....now we have to endure the COLD...4below right now.
Spring sounds good though (o:
No snow here, Kathleen, but they're predicting a pretty good chance for it Thursday night. It sure is cold though! I had a little green bird today doing the same thing. I didn't have my camera with me, only my cell phone and his picture didn't show up well on that. But he sure was happy to pose and close to me, too!
Good Morning, Kathleen, being indoors stiching with a pot of stew cooking and maybe watching an old movie are great winter day activities. The snowfall looked lovely, but we missed out here on the VA eastern shore with just rain. Temps today may be in the mid 60s by afternoon and falling into the 30s overnight...crazy weather for sure.
It's a beautiful snow~ but looks so c-c-cold!
I love the little friendly birdie... maybe he/she is looking for a few crumbs?
I, too, was contemplating seeing something from the warm (?) south..
We didn't get snow, but high winds and F-R-E-E-Z-I-N-G OUTSIDE. I've got 6 rabbits due to knidle today so I went out early and gave them all extra straw to add to their nesting material.
Pot of soup sounds good to me!!
its been a rough winter for everyone..such weird weather...we have had more snow this year than i can every remember...love your blog...and i have a BLACK KITTY NAMED SALEM TOO lol
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