"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands........" 1 Thessalonians 4:11

Saturday, November 6, 2010

For the past week, I have had a visitor..............

He starts his visit by walking through the woods up to our home, .............I found his footprints along the paths...........................

Then ends up here in the late afternoon, for a drink and a nibble of bird seed and apples...............I know, because I have had the delight of seeing him as I look out of the window.

Here is his one of his footprint...................the only close up photo I can show you at this time.................
Do you know your wildlife footprints to be able to guess what he is???

Or do you have super eye sight to see him in the middle of the dots I placed on this photo......................(use the zoom icon on the top of the page and zoom in at 400%.........and you can see him!)
You are correct if you say he is a deer...........a buck.........with beautiful antlers! I have no idea why he is always by himself, and I should worry about his nibbling visits here........but for now, in the onset of winter, I am happy to have him as a visitor.
How about you?
What kinds of wild visitors have you had?
I would love to hear!


Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

Hi Kathleen, even with the zoom I couldn't make out the figure, but I think the foot print looks like a big buck :o) I have smaller ones visible in my garden..they don't touch the winter crop (all bitter greens) but they nibble the heck out of my spring and summer stuff.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Oh, what fun, Kathleen! About the only wild visitors we get are birds and squirrels, and I guess that's a good thing here in the city. LOL!!

Patty H. said...

Was hard to make it out on the photo! Maybe you'll be able to get a closer picture. We have coyotes-we hear them howling and yipping especially when a train is coming up the mountain. We've seen a racoon a few times, once with a couple of young'uns. And the occasional bear. Have seen a few deer in yrs past. Lots of squirrels.
Patty H.

Anonymous said...

it's dear here too.

Connie said...

How neat that he comes to visit there, Kathleen. It does seem odd that he is alone. About the only visitors we see around here are squirrels, birds, and bunnies. I hope you enjoy your weekend. :-)

Anonymous said...

We see deer occasionally and wild turkeys. I've never gotten a photo of the turkey though. Hope you are enjoying the weekend Kathleen.

grammy said...

I couldn't see it...but is it a deer? I have had no wild creatures around. Birds and a bat... we never see the bat...just what it leaves behind (o:

Linda said...

My first thought was a wild turkey....do you ever see them? I live in the suburbs and a couple of years ago I was surprised by seeing a pheasant in our backyard. Tried to see the deer but just couldn't...darn....enjoy the weekend, hugs, Linda

Vickie said...

Hi Kathleen - I was gonna say a buck, too. Couldn't make him out very well from the picture. Good shot! He was almost invisible.

We have occasional deer, armadillos, skunks, coons AND coyotes. AND gophers, of course! Oh, and we've had wild hogs around, too. They really tear up stuff!

Hope things are going well in your neck of the woods!

Nancy M. said...

I see lots of footprints like that! I have seen deer here and there. It's hunting season and the dogs are running them around here.

Grammyof13 said...

Oh girl, I couldn't see anything either, and believe me I tried. I love your pictures. I hope you don't mind me copying one to put in my folder of pictures. I labeled it Kathleen's Farm. You are good with that camera, and even better with your needle work. How are you? I trust you and the family are doing welll.
Blessings and Love. Grammy/doris

LindaSue said...

we have many deer around our place (of course we are back in North Central Texas in oak treed acreage) so I recognized the track - I appreciate the gracefulness of deer, the feistiness of pesky squirrels and the myriad of types of birds which show up at our troughs to get a little water. we have nighttime visitors - raccoon, possums, dreaded armadillo(they destroy the yard and sprinklers)and even had cougar tracks once!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathleen. It does look like a big buck. We have javalina and coyotes and I could do without the latter.

Jody Blue said...

We live on a busy street but a couple of times we have had deer in our garden. Creation gives us such sweet treats.

Bev C said...

Hello Kathleen, I did see him.Hope he stays around for a closer photo for you. We had a visitor last night. We bought some new chickens yesterday and put them safely away in the yard. It was either a fox or a dog scratching trying to get them. They are safe.Thankfully.
Happy days.

DayPhoto said...

It's fun to have wildlife visit, but when they snack on your favorite plants or your furry animals then....it's time for them to leave.


Conni said...

I love deer - but they are so destructive! A few years ago, a deer and her baby ate our whole crop of tomatoes!!! That was the same year the rabbits ate our little domestic blueberry plants right down to the ground!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Your footprint looked like a deer, a pretty good sized one too. We have wildlife - deer, coyotes, bear, eagles, red foxes, raccoons, possums, bob cats and soon to have elk.

Paula said...

He's beautiful, Kathleen! We've had a momma doe and her two babies hanging around here for months now... the babies have literally grown up right before my eyes.