"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands........" 1 Thessalonians 4:11

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Juggling Act Is Over

As many of you know I have 4 blogs..........that's right, 4. And as many of you have thought(and it's ok if you have)..................that is probably about 3 too many.................and now in my struggle to make a living and a life all at the same time..............4 blogs is getting to be too much for me to keep up with. I am going to blog my recipes and thoughts about farm life here on Eggs In My Pocket............discontinuing My Country Kitchen blog and Pleasant Prairie Farm blog. I am going to keep Yesteryear Embroideries blog as a gallery of sorts of what I am working on in embroidery and as a link to my Etsy shop. I really love to blog, but in my less spare time, find it hard to write on 4 blogs and to comment to everyone...............and I am sure it is troublesome for you to hop from one blog to another. I find that sometimes I like to just get on my blog and jot down a thought or two for that day............do you do the same? There might be times when I blog every day on just something that happened and then it might take me a week to come out of blogging block. Anyhow, I will have every thing sorted and simplified by the weekend, letting everyone know on my other blogs where to find what I am blogging about. What about you? Have you done more than one blog and then found yourself wanting to stop juggling and to make things more simple and more enjoyable? I will try to catch up with all of you and stop by to say hi at your blogs by this weekend.


FranE said...

I can understand the struggle. Simplicity usually solves our stress. I have not been on for awhile I love your header, and the last post, your frog is too cute.
Glad you are just simplifing

Connie said...

Kathleen, that is a lovely picture. I know what you mean about trying to juggle everything. There is only so much time in a day. I'm sure you will get it all worked out to where it is manageable again. I'm glad you aren't quitting altogether because I enjoy your blog.

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy visiting with you Kathleen. We all understand the need to simplify and will be happy to see you blog when you can.

Sunny said...

Hi Kathleen, I certainly understand what you are saying. If fact I just put a fare-well post on my rabbit blog tonight. I too, need to cut back and follow the things that are most important to me. I do like your Pleasant Prairie blog, and the Eggs in my Pocket blog ( these are a must-read for me :), but will read where-ever you decide to post! Life is given as a gift to us from our Creator, and meant to be enjoyed. We are the most good to others when we are refreshed ourselves. Have a blessed, peaceful week!

Debbie said...

I seem to have trouble with the one I have. I just don't always have the time or material to blog anymore. Seems like it's the same'ol-same'ol. I'm just boring!

Nancy M. said...

I've never had that much to say, lol! Glad you're just downsizing and not leaving!

Julie Harward said...

Simple is always best...I can barley handle one blog, it would drive me crazy to have more than one! Hope all is going well for you...Come say hi :D

Childers Corner said...

I can sympathize, and you know how dedicated I have been to my ONE blog lol. Happy Anniversary a day late! I love you, Kathy!

Grammyof13 said...

As long as you don't leave us entirely!! Just sayin....

Kelly said...

Anything you want to do is fine. I have only one blog and it is difficult to get to it. I love to come and check on my blogfriends. Life and work gets in the way. I would love to stay home and work on the farm full time. I love it there. However, like so many others, work pays the bills. It's good to hear from you.

Chris said...

Having just "disappeared" and returned myself...I think you're on to a good plan there!


P.S.Love your banner!

DayPhoto said...

I understand. I have just one blog and sometimes wonder if I want to stop blogging altogether.


Vickie said...

Hi Kathleen - I've only ever had ONE blog, and that's been enough. I've thought of diversifying, but I don't have enough time to have one blog sometimes. So I nixed that idea. I thought you'd done a good job at it. But I know with your new job (which by the way, how's it going?) that you don't have much time either. I've been kinda having blogger's block myself. I have SO much to do now with the garden and the MIL and kids and house and work. Well, it'll be nice to see ALL your posts on one blog! Looking forward to whatever you decide to do!

grammy said...

It is hard for me to keep track of just one
I think it will be nice to have a little bit of all your wisdom right here.
Hope you are enjoying your job and it is not tiring you out too much.
Always look forward to stopping by here and having you come to my place (o: