and find that life is pushing forth. Hope in the spring to come. We had a cold spell a few weeks back, and my sweet old bullfrog Jeremiah disappeared from the pond. How I hoped that he was ok and that maybe I would see him again in spring.
(click on picture to see a better view of Jeremiah)
Today, as I was working around the pond, I noticed something moving in the earth. Thinking it might be a snake, I carefully pushed away the dirt.....and Jeremiah pushed out his foot and blinked a very sleepy eye at me! How wonderful to see him! My hope, fulfilled! And now, I hope to hear from all of you and to hear what are some of the things you hope for? I can't wait to hear from you!
What a sweet post. Joy found in simple, everyday blessings - that is what I hope for.
My hope is that I will hear God when He is talking to me, to see the path through His eyes and not my wants, that there would less of me and more of Him and that I would glorify Him with my life. You know little things like that!!!
Great Post..
I too love the Praying Hands ...
I have to say that the frog startled me.. LOL
Just A Gal...
Jeremiah was a bullfrog, was a good friend of mine. . . What a great song, and a perfect name for your bullfrog!
Hope. Yes, I have hope that our new president can help our country be a friend to others, instead of the object of dislike we have become.
Oh Kathleen what a soothing post for the soul, yet kinda exciting 'cause Jeremiah could pop up at any moment.
Hope, I have hope in God sending Jeremiahs into our midst to wake us up from our sleep and self-indulgence that we may see His true hope in our enlivened hearts.
i'm glad that Jeremiah is ok.
I enjoyed this post... hope is such a gift that God has placed in our hearts. Hope in the present, hope in the future, and hope eternally.
We not only have hope, but we have God's promise that He hears us, loves us and knows what's best for us! Isn't that the most wonderful thing in the world!
I have hope that this year I will be a better servant to others, a better steward of what He's given to me, and that I can give back.
Spring, rejuventation, rebirth - I love the upcoming season - I'm ready, already! Enough of this grey cold stuff!
Kathleen, what a wonderful post of pictures and thoughts. You have a way with words. I have hope in our Lord and Saviour, knowing that He gives me every breath I take and that He is right beside me in every step I take in this walk. How blessed we are to know Him.
wonderful post.
that is a cool picture of Jeremiah!
THanks for the recommendation of Debbie Macombers other book. I'll have to look for it.
How awesome that you found Jeremiah! I hope that I will be successful in having a garden this year.
What a wonderful post~
Sweet Jeremiah!! Makes my heart smile! ~Mandy
I had the praying hands symbol placed on my late husband's headstone - it means so much to me. Glad you reminded me of that symbol of our Hope and trust. I also look at the plants which look dead and know in a couple of months they'll be covered with green!
What a great post! Especially since I no longer feel so blue. Reading this just uplifted me. I too have always loved the praying hands.
So glad you found Jeremiah.
Hugs :)
I have hope for the day that me and my Thomas can live simply and peacefully in our cabin in the Smoky Mountains. To finally be settled where we will spend the rest of our lives together.
I hope for the day that I can wake up and say, "I've been living here for 25 years". I've been traveling in one direction or another for 45 years.
I hope to form more friendships that follow me throughout my life and just might live down the street from me!
This hope that I have is what keeps me moving through each day.
Thanks Kathleen...just for being here.
Queen of Dreamsz
Dear Kathleen,
What a beautiful and encouraging post! My hope is in the Lord Jesus for now and eternity. I hope for so many things. I have the hope that He will conform me more to His image, that I will have more of a servant's heart... like Him, love Him more each day and be a blessing to my dear family and friends.
I have hope we will soon see our Mr. Toad emerge. So glad you have seen Jeremiah peeking out. I loved all the photos you shared. I also have hope that spring will soon be here and I will be working in our garden feeling the warmth of the sun.
Bless you Kathleen! Thank you for all you shared!
Love, Paula
Oh Kathllen, what a preciuos post and I love your little buddy Jeremiah!!! How amazing is that! Hope...I have 2 dear friends that just found out they have breast cancer. I have hope that they will overcome it!
Thinking of you!
Kathleen this was a lovely and inspiring post. I really enjoyed it. Jeremiah winking at you at the end made me smile. :D
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