
My last post, I showed you my flower garden areas that I was planning out,.... I also have a vegetable garden area planned as well.

I will be planting onions in just a couple of weeks,

I am planting the lettuce seed early in my greenhouse...and for the garden....

I am planting the lettuce seed early in my greenhouse...and for the garden....
This may look like an odd place, but it has served well for the garden spot. The folks that had the house before us, kept horses. I, unfortunately, have not gotten a chance to try my hand at those critters... so I started using the corral area to experiment growing things like..



and cantaloupe. Every thing I have tried, has turned out wonderful. So the other day, I tilled all of the pens in this area.

The pens were a perfect choice because they had the iron post going around, a good skeleton to put my wire to keep varmints out and there are 6 pens, which are very large plots of land. Each divided by an iron post fence.

I also plan to plant watermelon, blackeyed peas, green beans, tomatoes and whatever else sounds good!

I use chicken wire to keep all critters out. It runs all around the structure, plus along the middle dividing fences as well.

I plant morning glory along the outside fence structure. It is a beautiful wall of color in the morning and a perfect shade for the plants in the hot afternoon.

I still have plenty of blank canvas laying around the grounds. This one patch is between the vegetable garden and house and is right beside the well house. I would like to get it plowed and to remove the young mesquite trees. I would then like to make a mini orchard of different type of fruit trees. Now my question to all of you....what is your favorite vegetable to plant and why? I can't wait to hear!
The pens were a perfect choice because they had the iron post going around, a good skeleton to put my wire to keep varmints out and there are 6 pens, which are very large plots of land. Each divided by an iron post fence.

I also plan to plant watermelon, blackeyed peas, green beans, tomatoes and whatever else sounds good!
I use chicken wire to keep all critters out. It runs all around the structure, plus along the middle dividing fences as well.

I plant morning glory along the outside fence structure. It is a beautiful wall of color in the morning and a perfect shade for the plants in the hot afternoon.
I still have plenty of blank canvas laying around the grounds. This one patch is between the vegetable garden and house and is right beside the well house. I would like to get it plowed and to remove the young mesquite trees. I would then like to make a mini orchard of different type of fruit trees. Now my question to all of you....what is your favorite vegetable to plant and why? I can't wait to hear!
You are making me hungry! We have very good luck growing bell peppers and black-eyed peas so naturally they are my favorites. The funniest thing we ever planted were JUMBO pumpkins. None of them grew bigger than my fist!
what a great place for a garden!!! it's so nice of the previous owners to leave you the bones for a perfect garden area! ha ha
it probably has a little "natural" fertilizer in the soil, too.
I like having fresh rhubarb, zucchini, raspberries, and blueberries. And I can't forget fresh corn on the cob. yum!
Oh yay! Oh yay!
You're talking about gardens!!!! Just what has been consuming my thoughts and worrying the dickens out of me!!!
We don't have the area ready yet, for our vegetable garden and I'm kind of "wigging out" because I'm not sure when I need to get things in. ???? Besides that, I've been reading about rabbits, deer, and birds getting in and I'm thinking that I'm going to have to work on my aim and set up camp in the backyard!!!! We have some chicken wire -- so we'll be incorporating that. Any more tips on keeping those beautiful but pesky creatures out? Pleeeeeeeease tell!!!
My hopes, so far, are to plant onions, new potatoes, russet potatoes, collard greens, purple hull peas, black eyed peas, butter beans, green beans, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, and watermelons. Whew! I think that's it? All this and I don't have a clue what I'm doing! We've only had one garden before. It was successful but there weren't any deer or rabbits to contend with and it's been a loooong time. I still have to find seeds for some of these vegetables, but again, we don't even have the garden area ready yet.....
Why am I such a nut? Kathleen you have to help me or stop me, please?! LOL!!!
Hi everyone, your type of vegetables sounds wonderful! Julie, you crack me up! Don't get frustrated, however, I have planted gardens for years and I am still learning! Any kind of close mesh fencing will keep wildlife out of your garden. The best advice to anyone who wants to plant, go out and do it! You learn from trial and error. Good luck to all of you! blessings, Kathleen
I bet your veggies do great with all that "fertilizer" you got in those corrals! I love the morning glory idea, too, of having them around the garden. I think I may do that, too.
This is probably silly, but I love growing potatoes - they look so "gardeny" and grow so fast - they make me look like a super-farmer!
Where do you order your seeds from?
You're making my mouth water! I just walked in the door and I'm starving and the first place I visit is you with your vegetable garden.
My mouth is watering for all the produce you are planning to grow. It is fun to hear about all your gardening plans.
Boy, do I wish I were out there tilling the ground. We have weeks and weeks away before I can begin.
Oh Boy Kathleen! your Farm sounds so good, I love all the plans you have...wish I could be there to watch you get started with all that land...It will take you weeks, with my little "Almost an Acre" I'll be finished lickity split :o)...Ginny
May I repet myself? OK then. You never cease to amaze me, and with each project you share with us, I have to admire you more. You must be one special lady.
Oh yes, could you update me on your children via e-mail. I am interested in whether she joined the service as she had thought.
Blessings & hugs
Dear Kathleen,
I recently found your lovely blog, and I am enjoying it so much. Your embroidery and cooking blog are wonderful too! I love to cook, bake, sew, embroidery and garden, so we have a lot in common!
All your farm animals are so adorable!!! My son and I especially love Sophie! Oh, that sweet face, some of her expressions remind us of our Pearl. Hercules is just adorable, and I am glad Sophie and your sweet cats have accepted him as part of the family!
I love that you are going to use the horse pens for your vegetable garden. The Morning Glories will be so pretty growing up the posts. I love all your vintage seed packets, oh those colors!
I am so very happy you have such a wonderful place in the country. A little over two years ago we moved to the country. We have 1/3 of an acre, we wanted much more, but we do have a very large vegetable garden and a few flower beds and plenty more room for planting. We are thankful the Lord blessed us with this home and spot in the country. It is so much more peaceful than city living, as you well know!!! We do pray that one day we will be able to have a lot more land, but as my dear husband tells me, this is just a good start!
I plant our veggies and many of our flowers from heirloom seeds. Some do well, others do not. I am still learning and finding out what will grow well here in Louisiana. Even the heirloom seeds that are supposed to do well in the hot and humid south did not do as well as I had hoped, but I will keep trying. We are also trying to improve our soil. We garden and eat organic, so we have been adding organic compost and it looks like our compost pile is starting to take off. My husband also built raised beds and they work really well. Right now we have swiss chard, arugula, kale, lettuces, peas, parsley, green onions, and rosemary growing. I look forward to starting some seeds soon. I also would love to have saturn peaches, blueberries and strawberries.
Oh my, I have written you a book! Now, I must go leave a comment in your flower post!
Thank you for being such an inspiration and for sharing your life in the country!
The Lord bless you!
So neat that you can use the old corals for your planting! I don't know if I could name a favorite to plant and eat! Green onions-cucumbers-squash-zucchini-sugar peas see I could just go on and on-I love it all!
Sweet Taters!!! They are so pretty with their vines and it is fun to dig them up....it is like hunting for buried treasure!!
My daughter grew spaghetti squash when she was very young. She refused to consider eating it but was quite excited to see how large it grew!
My neighbor bought seedings and had two left over -- bell peppers. He gave them to me and I planted them. One died but one lived and soon produced a bloom and then a pepper, which at full maturity, was just the size of my thumb! I took it over to show him and he vowed never to give me another plant. Evidently, the plant has become root bound and I failed to spread the roots when I replanted it. It was somewhat like a bonzai pepper -- growing in miniature.
Wah, that's a very big plot of veggie there
Vegetable Garden Planting
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