The fall days are growing shorter and nights are getting much colder. The outside flower beds and plants are showing their need for a long winter's nap. The only work to do outside is to clean up beds and garden spaces and dream of new planting in the spring.
Inside of the greenhouse, however, life is green and crisp with blooms everywhere. The rose moss, shamrock, and purse lane plants are thriving. I have pine tree sprouts as well as baby airplane plants and dew plant.
The Geraniums are enjoying their sunny window.
I had several Aloe Vera plants given to me by an aunt who recently moved. I have never worked with this plant before. The pots had several plants crammed together that had sprouted from the mother plant. To my surprise, the larger Aloe Vera is about to bloom. I did not realize that they did this and am anxious to see what color will burst forward.
I transplanted all of the plants to their own container, and now I have 24 Aloe Vera plants! I may try to sell some, give some away, and just decorate my large porches. I also have about as many airplane plants, also from a mother plant from my Aunt. I am about to plant lettuce and flower seed just to see how well they will do in the greenhouse during the winter. I do not have a heater, although I know I should get one. With the constant sunshine and mild winter days, I am hoping I might get by without one. I know I have so much to learn when it comes to handling a greenhouse. I learn best by trial and error. Wish all of you lived close, I would be giving you lots of plants! {:
Wow! I had no idea the aloe plant bloomed. I have never seen that.
What is an airplane plant?
Hi Tracey, thanks for visiting. An airplane plant is just a green long stemmed plant that has little white blossoms. It is great for hanging containers and makes lots of babies. Great for filling in blank spaces. It might be called something else, I have just heard it called this all of the time. Come back to visit! blessings, Kathleen
Seeing your greenhouse makes me want one. I think I always say that, but it's true. Being able to cut flowers when the outside ones are dead would be fabulous!
That's so cool! I had no idea you had a green house. I grew up in the south, and we had aloe vera plants in the yard - used to go out and snap off a branch to put the gel on burns and sunburn. What a neat thing, to have a greenhouse!
You have a greenhouse and you obviously also have a green thumb! Good luck with all your growing pretties this winter, Kathleen. I'll be thinking of you and your greenhouse this winter when I shovel the snow out of the driveway! HA! ;)
I'm so very impressed with how sturdy your greenhouse must be - I KNOW the winds in your part of the world. I've wanted a greenhouse but realize I currently have more projects than ability to manage them! Lovely place to escape the brown drearies of dry wintry days.
Kathleen, there is a surprise for you at my blog come visit when you have a chance it is in the "Finishing Up Before the Season Ends" post.
Hey Kathleen! I love the story about your family ring. I've often wished for one but never asked. Maybe I should!
I also wish I had a greenhouse. I'm envious of yours, and it looks like your plants are very happy. I'd be happy to take some of those "babies" off your hands if I was close enough! :^)
That is so awesome! I would love to have a greenhouse so I could plant things this winter.
Your last post was wonderful, the plants look so healthy, they must love that greenhouse, wish I had's inspiring, wish I had some chickens too!;o)...Ginny
Your greenhouse looks so neat, Kathleen- you must be spending a lot of time in it this time of year!! Are you going to start some of your vegetables for next year in there?
Do you have pictures of the purslane? It is supposed to grow wild here, but I don't know what it looks like.
I have always wanted my very own little green house. It would be great to have blooming flowers all year long. I didn't know aloe vera plants bloomed either. You will have to let us know what color it blooms.
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