"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands........" 1 Thessalonians 4:11

Monday, September 29, 2008

Jerimiah is a bullfrog......is a good friend of mine!

What can I say?... I am in love!! Over the past months, ever since Sweetie put in the satellite pond, a large bullfrog has come to live within it's water. I am always delighted to see it and am in awe at how large it is. I always kneel down to get a better look and to tell it how pretty I think it is. It always plunges into the deep part of the pond.

However, a couple of days ago, I noticed that when I knelt down to say hello, it did not jump away. The other day, while Sweetie and my son were out at the pond with me, I knelt down, put my hand in the water up to the frog and he let me pick him up! My son ran to get the camera. The frog sat in my hands and never jumped away. Now when I go out to the pond, I search him out and again, he lets me pick him up. Just for the record..... I have not kissed him to see if he is a prince{: The weirdest thing, he won't let anyone else come near him. He jumps as quick as he can from anyone else. No one would have believed me on this if they had not been there to witness it the other day. I named him Jerimiah and I am thrilled to have such a wonder as him in the pond. I wonder what will happen to him when the weather turns cold. Do bullfrogs go underground in the winter? Do any of you know? I would love to hear.


Jen's Farmily said...

It looks like you've added a new 'pet' to the mix! And doesn't it make you feel special when animals (and amphibians) single you out? :)

I'm not sure what bullfrogs do in winter, I hope someone else answers!

KathyB. said...

Bullfrogs do bury themselves in the mud during the cold months. Isn't it amazing that Jeremiah knows YOU ! My Hubby had some Oscars ( fish) in our aquarium many years ago that knew him. They did not bother to get excited or swim toward me when I approached the glass, but Hubby would have them in a frenzy of excitement if he just passed the aquarium. Animals, even cold, not so cute animals do indeed have a bit of intelligence. All the more to wonder and marvel at!

Your satellite pond has come along way since I read your first postings about it. Lovely. KathyB.

Julie said...

Okay, now I can't get that song out of my head!!! :*)

I just love frogs! Not sure why, but they're just so, so... cute, adorable? I love 'em anyway!

How precious that you're Jeremiah's friend! It really is too neat that he chose you to be his pet! Keep us updated!


Pamela said...

How cute! (and thanks for the song in my head--ARGH! LOL)

Odd how animals can make connections with some people and not others--and that ones you wouldn't expect can become quite tame.

Connie said...

I love it! What a great story, Kathleen. It looks like you have made another new friend. Now we will have to start calling you the bullfrog whisperer. HA! :D

LindaSue said...

I love what Daisy said - you are the frog whisperer! I also enjoy having frogs around, yes they do bury up in the mud or whatever (leaves etc) in the bottom of the pond so don't get too religious about cleaning the pond out this time of year. God delights us with so many interesting creatures - and your joy in getting to "know" them is a blessing to your readers! Ribbit, ribbit!

Chris said...


I believe that animals have a "sixth sense" about humans. I truly believe that Jeremiah senses your grief and has decided to help you cope with losing Noah...

Call me a kook...

Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

How wonderful that the frog has sensed your spirit and feels no danger of you....that's a good thing! Enjoy the blessings sent your way.....Ginny

Juri said...

Wow...loving frogs, toads, and lizards like I do, I enjoyed this post so much! I am not sure if he was a bullfrog, but a few years ago, as the weather turned cooler, I brought in my aloe vera plant...about one month later, in the warmth of my home, a huge frog surfaced and began jumping through my dining room!! He had snuggled down into the dirt in the pot of the plant!


Tipper said...

Jerimiah is a cutie! I have one that lives in my back steps-and I am always looking out for him/her.

Nancy M. said...

That is so awesome! I told my hubby that you had a satellite pond and told him I wanted one. He said yours must have been a bigger satellite dish than ours. I guess a mini-dish, just isn't big enough for a pond.

drafter29 said...

Jeremiah is cute. I'm not surprised that he took up with you, though.

How many people do you know who can also pick up a wasp without getting stung?

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Thanks everyone for your comments, they all made me smile, blessings, Kathleen

Lynda said...

I just love frogs! We dont see them here anymore...except in story books! Cute blog! I love the country!