"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands........" 1 Thessalonians 4:11

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

As I sit outside on the pleasant early November days,

 I watch the leaves of the twisted mesquite trees, falling to the ground, drifting with the breeze.  These are small, long , narrow, leaves and in the early sunlight, it looks as if it is raining  golden raindrops. 

The woods and much of the trees are still green in color at this time of year..........yet, the ground is getting covered by the leaves that are turning gold and letting loose .........they know, it is time to go to sleep for the long cold days ahead. 
Amazingly, there are still butterflies and large fuzzy bumble bees lingering in and out of the  .......still blooming, remaining summer flowers......gathering what they can from the lovely petals that soon will be gone. 
In the,  what seems to be, slowing down time, it is actually a hurry up and get things done time.  With the daylight ending early, the outside matters need to be tended to.....from clearing garden spaces for late fall flower seed planting,  and bulb containers waiting for bulbs to be planted, to wrapping plastic housing around plants that stay outside of the greenhouse to endure the winter months. 
Inside, a quick survey and a list is to be made for things needed in the pantry and for the ingredients to make  meals for the upcoming holidays.  Even with a year of me knowing the holidays are coming........I am still in a rush mode when it gets down to just a few weeks left to be ready.  
In spite of the rush, these are pleasant days  to enjoy...........full of long walks, amazing morning skies, and calming golden sunsets.  
Tell me, are you busy getting outside things prepared for the cold days ahead?.......are you planning on fun gatherings around your holiday table?.......are you taking time to enjoy these pleasant and calm days?  
Here's wishing for you much pleasantness and peace these November days. 


Nancy J said...

Down here, the birds are nesting, we have a starling family complete with those beautiful blue eggs, in our letter box. Some bulbs are finished, more shooting up, leaves are turning green, and apart from a cold snap yesterday and today, the days are warming up, and daylight is lengthening out to be a delight in the early mornings. You, at the other side of the equator, are doing all that in reverse, as trees, birds and people prepare for the winter.

Sandi said...

Love the last purple blossom... 🙂

Lady Locust said...

What an enchanting post- beautiful. On my list for the weekend is make sure all garden tools are put away and put the garden to bed for winter ❄️

Olde Dame Holly said...

Sadly, I have almost no family, no friends left in this mortal vale. But my husband and I will, God willing, have a small Thanksgiving. I got a turkey that is about the size of a hen! Got it in the freezer, ready for Thanksgiving dinner. I am busy collecting seeds and I also am making a bunch of really glorious (I hope), flashy Rosaries to leave anonymously at the cathedral! For my little gift to "the world."

Marie Smith said...

Time sat outside while the weather still permits is an autumn bonus. Enjoy!

HappyK said...

Lovely post. A sunny day here but on the chilly side.

Granny Marigold said...

That's such a gorgeous sky photo!!
I think we're all ready for winter here. All the potted plants that need to be sheltered have been moved.

Prims By The Water said...

What a beautiful sky! Thanks for sharing. Janice

R's Rue said...


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

We are not busy getting outside chores down as we no longer have an outside yard. The colors still in yours were lovely to see, Kathleen. And as for holiday meal prep we don't do too much advance planning especially as we may be dining at home and that's just for two.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

We are really enjoying the cooler days now. Not looking forward as much to cold! Your sky pictures are always so pretty. I take lots of them myself, just because I like them.

Barwitzki said...

Nice post and wonderful pictures. Thanks.
Now the time has come to clear the leaves, here with us and soon I will put the bird house out to feed and start feeding ... I hope we get snow for skiing in winter, it usually comes with us in January .. The icing on the cake is of course snow for Christmas. I'm looking forward to the Advent season ... lots of candles, homemade cookies and cakes and get-togethers with the family ... greetings to you.

Faith said...

trying not to feel rushed, I always do, and yet everything works out fine. my husband's birthday is the week before Thanksgiving, and my eldest son the week after. I do enjoy the Thanksgiving feast, preparing it, and eating it..and doesn't the house smell wonderful, and leftovers all the better the next day...

Rose said...

This post made me get up and go disconnect the hoses from the outside faucets...I have been meaning to do that for the longest time but always think of it at night. Well, it was almost dark when I came to your question about getting outside things done, so I got up and got that done. I still need to do somethings outside.