"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands........" 1 Thessalonians 4:11

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Spring has slipped into summer

 and the days are filled with extreme heat.

As I grumble and whine about how hard it is to just take a stroll.......

looking like a melted , wind blown mess, 

everything stands tall and lovely in it's

 vibrant color
and it all seems to sing a happy song of summer.
Making me glad that I take the time........to melt.....
and to see it's beauty.
every creature finds it's own place of comfort 
and carries on with it's daily life
and I stop to wonder...........how do 
they not just wither and crisp up in this
In all of their simple existence.........
they make me see how lovely each day can be
whether rain or shine.
Here's wishing you pleasant days with lovely things to see!
Visit my cooking blog for this wonderful sweet roll recipe 
at this link. 


Granny Marigold said...

Sorry about the heat. We complain out here about high temperatures but I'm quite sure yours are higher. It sure is not comfortable being outside.
The wildflowers are so lovely. It's amazing how they can thrive in spite of dry conditions and that heat. Take care and keep cool if you can.

Hill Top Post said...

“…and it all seems to sing a happy song of summer.” Even those tough little critters that don’t seem to mind the heat at all. Your sweet rolls look incredibly delicious.

Barwitzki said...

Thanks for the beautiful photos ... yes, it's wonderful outside ... you just have to
look :-)))
Now I'm looking for your cooking blog ... that looks so fine, what's in the baking pan :-) Many warm regards to you. Viola

HappyK said...

We don't get those high temperature in my neck of the woods.
Our summer is pretty much like one long spring.
Your photos are beautiful and those rolls sure look good!!

Prims By The Water said...

What beautiful yellow flowers! What are they called? Janice

Olde Dame Holly said...

I feel your pain! So hot here, too. I feel very bad for the little creatures (although I'm drawing the line at the Giant Centipede) and wet down areas for them and feed/water the birds extra. Your photos are so beautiful, just incredible today!

Haddock said...

Love those flowers in the first two pictures.

Lady Locust said...

We too are roasted, yet the flowers grow 🌺

Faith said...

ooh those sweet rolls look very good, What are the flowers you showed in the first two pictures? They are very interesting.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Oh, my those rolls like so good. Can't wait to try the recipe. I love your beautiful flowers.

Megan Schetsche said...

The blueberry rolls look scrumptious, the centipede, not so much... It's the only critter I'm wary of.
Your flowers are amazing, and resilient to last through the heat. Enjoy the summer, we're blue around the mouth here in South Africa!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

You somehow make even the creepiest of crawlers look appealing! I think you must be seeing them through God's eyes.

Sally said...

Such lovely colors! Love those flowers, and the tiny creatures remind me that two days in a row, there have been lizards on my windshield. The problem? I don't see them until I'm down the road. Then, I try to go slower so they don't fall off!

So good to see you again, and yes the rolls look awesome!


Laurel Wood said...

Beautiful photos and I look forward to visiting your recipe blog also. I live in SC and we have had some very hot weather this year. Mildred