"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands........" 1 Thessalonians 4:11

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Purchasing, Planting, & Growing........"Cheap Roses"

If you have looked around your local store that has a garden center, 

you have probably noticed that most of them have packaged roses ( in January) and
are selling them fairly "cheap".
As I was happily going through them and picking out the ones I  wanted,
a lady passing by me ,remarked that " cheap roses are a waste of money"

I paid her no mind and continued to gather up an arm full.
In the photo above.......are roses......from my garden last year.
These were "cheap roses" from the same store that I purchased and brought home 3 years ago.
However, do know.........whether you pay a few buck for a rose or way up in the price range.......
roses can die if not planted in the right spot........or right climate and things can happen .........and they 
can die.( I will get  to that.....at the end of this post)

Here, the climate is harsh in winter and in summer.  A nursery friend of mine told me to 
first plant the roses into large containers.........which I did.  Larger ones than these in
the photo above would actually be better.......but this is what I had on hand.
I used purchased garden soil instead of potting mix..........because I like garden soil better.
I  labeled each with a tie tag.  

I then placed the potted roses in my greenhouse to wait the winter through.
Although our days have been sunny..........we are still due frigid temperatures 
and freezing nights.  The roses will not survive outside in low temps. 
Hopefully they will grow strong enough to be planted out in the grounds at a later date

you might remember that I posted about this miniature rose in this tiny planter a few
posts back.  The container this rose was in was only about 2 inches.  It has started putting on 
new growth and looking tired, 

so I transplanted it into a 4 inch terra cotta pot.  It is happy.
Hopefully I can keep it healthy and growing. 

Now ........back to the part about "roses dying"  This is my "rose garden" from 
cheap roses.  They have flourished for 3 years. I have never pruned them.........just 
pretty much let them grow as they pleased and gave them a little water and plant food from
time to time.  I read where they should be pruned ...........which I did............
They all died.   
You can imagine how heartsick I  was about it all.  Which is the reason I was
purchasing more cheap roses.  I was able to find the same  kind as I had planted here........
some are different.  Now I just hope I can get them to all grow again.
So just a few tips:

1. No matter the price........if it looks healthy and  you like  the way it looks.......
purchase it! Don't be afraid to experiment!

2. Even if roses are on sale in January............it is still winter.  Purchase your roses and place them out of the weather until the danger of freeze is gone.  

3. You do not have to have a greenhouse to keep your roses safe.  Any place that is sealed off from the weather and has light will do great.
4. Plant your roses in good soil, water and feed carefully.
5. Know your climate before you prune or fertilize.  

If you have doubts about when to plant.........when to purchase.........when to prune......
always call your local nursery...........they will gladly give you sound advice.
Here's wishing you many beautiful blossoms to come!


Nancy J said...

" Throw out "plants just need more care, and your roses prove that so well. Maybe this next batch will do equally as well and give you beautiful blooms.

NanaNor's said...

Hello, I've always loved roses as did my mom, but hubby doesn't like them because they require so much work. We've compromised and have a couple of antique roses in our backyard. You found some really great ones-enjoy.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

Oh, to have a greenhouse! What a wonderful place to be on a cold day! -Jenn (beautiful roses, and good advice).

lil red hen said...

I love roses but never have had good luck growing them. In the summer their leaves turn yellow and fall off. So, I'll enjoy yours from afar. :)

Granny Marigold said...

I have also found that the price one pays for a Rose ( or any other plant, for that matter) is far less important than the care they get after they're planted.
So far I haven't seen any Roses for sale but we're so much farther north that might be the reason.
Your Rose garden is a joy to behold!!

Prims By The Water said...

Although I miss my roses at my other home, none for me here. Too many snakes. Janice

Connie said...

Your photos of your roses are beautiful, Kathleen! I hope you can make the new ones you bought flourish in the same way.

Debra said...

So right about getting cheaper roses. And pruning at the right time is crucial. But I'm glad you get to try again with some new ones. I've had expensive roses that just gave up after 5 or so years-so there's no guarantee they will live if you spend lots of money on them. It's all in where they are planted and watered and pruned. My only snobbish criteria is that they have a smell-but-I do have roses that don't smell that I got for free. I wish I could start planting right now! I love your greenhouse.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You have quite the green thumbs, Kathleen, and your roses look lovely even for the “cheap” ones! I never planted roses when we lived in VA as I always figured they would be too much work to care for.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Lots of things like that are worth growing just for the fun of it! I've tried many things over the years that shouldn't have grown here, but did anyway. You just never know and it's always such a sweet surprise.

Tanza Erlambang - Speed Up said...

colorful roses...love them.
have a great day

The Wykeham Observer said...

It's funny how there is always a know-it-all at the nursery when I'm there, too. I really like geraniums, and keep them for years, and I was putting them in my cart, and a "lady" very loudly stated to her daughter, "I hate geraniums, they stink." LOL. I put a couple more in my cart for a show! I also get the "cheap" roses and they have done just as well as more expensive ones. That orange one is really neat. Phil/MN

CIELO said...

Ohhh, lucky you that you can find roses in January! Not here for a few more months. In the mean time, I'm thankful for all my houseplants! ;)
