and am re-opening one as the New Year begins.
Have any of you been there before??
So I am ending this old year and starting the new, with a little worry, a lot of hope, and hard work to make my dream come true.
For all of you, dear friends,
may all good new doors fling open wide,
may doors close on your unhappiness,
and may new paths full of hope and blessings lie in front of you!
Have a wonderful and blessed new year!

For all of you, dear friends,
may all good new doors fling open wide,
may doors close on your unhappiness,
and may new paths full of hope and blessings lie in front of you!
Have a wonderful and blessed new year!
Your just stepping into another phaze of life, for you!
Whatever the next wishes are for you. I'm praying you will receive many blessings along the way.
No one knows what it is like till they walk in your shoes. Sometimes it feels really good to take those tight, uncomfortably shoes and chuck them as far as possible. I have done that with two jobs in my life. After I quit I took time to yell with joy and soon after take a trip to the bathroom and think what have I done. Both times other doors have opened and I have been happy with the changes. I wish you the very best and will keep you in my prayers for success and happiness. Happy New Year!
Kathleen, I know exactly. I did not want to discourage you, but I was once co-owner of a fast food restaurant. Good food, but absolutely the hardest work I have ever done in my life. Long days, always the smell of grease and onions on my clothes and hair. And not much money for all that hard work. I believe God has put something in your heart that will give you the money you need without sapping your spirit. I'm praying for sueprnatural guidance and provision for you!
Happy New Year to you, Kathleen...
I'm sure you know how I feel about what you've done!
YAHOO!!! YAY!!! Good for you and go girl! LOL
Oh my gosh, I know you gave the grill job all of your energy to the point of having none for what you really aspire to do in life.
I congratulate you on your choice and I know that a publisher is going to surface to publish your book..who knows you may wind up with several books before it's over with.
I'm so happy for you!
Love and Hugs,
Stephanie ♥
Hi Kathleen - it was just time for you to close that door. No one can make the decision except you, and you can't worry about what others may think about that. Like Kelly said, you're the only one who can walk in your shoes. That job helped out for awhile and you worked hard and decided it wasn't for you. You'd have wondered if you hadn't done it - now you know.
I hope that big wide doors will be flung open for you with plenty of opportunities for your stitching and your book, and that you find the way that God means for you to take. We all have a different path to take. But He gave us all talents that we're to use to glorify Him and to help earn a living and take care of our family, and He will bless those efforts!
Good luck and may God bless you and yours in the New Year!
Changes can be very unsettling. I'm at that point right now. I'll be taking classes full time, working pt and trying to keep my house and family going as well. I've realized that the most important thing I can do this coming year is to keep God first in my life. And to keep things as simple as possible. Looking forward to seeing your book!!
Patty H.
Oh, yes, Kathleen, I know all too well what you mean. Good for you! I wish you every blessing from Heaven that you need to succeed steadily with your dreams. I am in a similar situation. I wish for success so I, too, can quit the toxic job I have.
Happy, healthy, successful New Year,
No worries my friend, be of good cheer and confident. It was good for a tiime eh? the grill job, learned a few things, and perhaps came to know a few things deeper eh? That is what I have gained from those sort of times in my past - character builders for sure, ya just gotta know when to move on before they become character downers.
I think you will do marvelous with a home based business, you certainly have the talent and the resources. Deep breath and forward. Prayers with you.
Congratulations on a new path. May you enjoy your new destination and have a great journey.
You've made a brave move that feels right for you and you will be rewarded for doing so. I am sure that following your heart is the right thing.
well..I for one am happy for you
that seemed to be dragging you down in many ways
surely something else will come up that makes you smile and be happy to greet the new day. The book sounds wonderful. You have to at least step out and try (o: Blessings
Kathleen..... what can I say but... YAY!!! for you! I know you will find joy ahead. Its not always in the $$$
Kathleen, I'm so happy for you... I know things will be hard, but I sense a great weight has been lifted off you- I can just feel it!!
Hugs for the New Year, dear friend... may this one be the best ever for both of us!
Kathleen, I wish you the very best and hope your dreams come true for you. I think this was a wise decision on your part. Money isn't worth the unhappiness that job was causing for you. Happy New Year to you and yours.
Now you may have more time and energy for doing all the gardening you have been planning and as others have said, new doors will open. Although, it seems you already have your foot in a couple of doors with your embroidery and a book. Best wishes with them.
Peace and good health be with you and yours in the New Year.
Kathleen, so happy for you:-)
Here's wishing you lots of happiness in the coming year!
Kathleen, Happy New Year and all the best to you. Hard decisions while not easy, allow us to move forward in ways we might never have thought possible. You can always rely on fellow bloggers to be with you whenever you need support and encouragement. Thanks too for your comments on our blog - please feel free to revisit anytime. Happy 2011
Congratulations for getting out of the pressure cooker. I am in a pressure cooker situation in my current job right now, feeling like I have to stay for the health insurancde! Doesn't seem to make sense to kill oneself with stress for health insurance, does it? lol Seriously, I need a change--would really love to retire! Any prayers would be appreciated! V
I agree with all the others. Yay! Good for you, hip hip hooray, and yipee! Every day will seem sweeter when you are doing what you want to do. I'll be second in line to buy your book. I'll let Ginny be first!
Happy New Year Kathleen! By following your heart you will find joy, peace and contenment....all the best in our new year 2011. hugs, Linda
I too am leaving a job as the new year began. It was just too hard on our family for the pittance I was making.
May God bless you and lead you as you trust in Him.
I ask it of the Father in Jesus' name.
Pursue your dream. This quote came to mind: “Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”
~Ashley Smith
Good for you! It's better to leave a job than to have the job leave you! Good Luck!
I think it's great that you will be focusing on something you love! I wish you all the luck in the world!
Happy New Year!
"...when you are in a difficult place, realize the Lord either placed you there or allowed you to be there, for reasons perhaps known only to Himself. The same God who led you in will lead you out." Robert Morgan from 'The Red Sea Rules'
It must be a scary thing to quit when you know you need the wages, but it does seem it is best for you not to work there anymore.He will provide even if you cannot fathom a way for this.
He knows and He cares. But I know you know that.Praise Him and thank-you for sharing this.Prayers for you Kathleen.
I'm sure there is a bit of concern, but what excitement to follow your passion! The Lord will provide, he always does:)
I saw this and thought I'd pass it along it is a sight that hooks up people who have talents to offer with people who are looking for lessons and skills.
I came to your blog via another one. I enjoy reading about farm life. I am living in the suberbs but long for a small plot of land. Maybe one day the lord will bless me with it but for the meantime I love to read about farm life.
I pray this year you find peace in your heart and the strength it takes to make new steps. Pray about all things and the lord will guide your path.
Will be visiting you often. I like us-sweeten tea plase... Here in the south I have to keep that quiet, that is a no-no here.
God's Blessing so his grace and peace.
Good for you Kathleen. I can't wait until you get your book published. =)
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