So much in my garden has grown since I have planted it..................all the way back in March.

Lincoln Peas
I planted these in mid March and have harvested wonderful, sweet peas starting in mid May . Now that the hot west Texas weather has arrived, there are only a few pea plants left.
Utah Yellow Sweet Spanish Onion
These did not do I will try again in the fall.
These did so well and produced so much. I planted these in mid March and harvesting them by mid April. Those I did not pull have bloomed and gone to seed. I will plant these again.........maybe in a couple of weeks and in the fall.
Spinach Bloomsdale Long Standing
I am still harvesting this wonderful delicious plant. I planted this in mid March and have been harvesting it since mid May.
Golden Acre Cabbage
shown in the photo above, this is turning out to be quite hardy. Planted in the green house the last of February and planted in the garden by mid March, this is such a beautiful plant. I should be able to harvest this sometime this week.
Swiss Chard
Another garden beauty. I have had this raw in salads and cooked up just like one does with Mustard greens. A wonderful tasting dish. Planted in mid March and still producing well.
Beet Detroit Dark Red
Planted in mid March and very pretty. I pulled a couple up, but they are only the size of radishes at this time. I will try again next week.
Carrot Scarlet Nantes
Planted in mid March but very late in showing itself. Now the tops are about 3 inches high. They should be ready to harvest in July.
Romaine Lettuce
Another beautiful plant in the garden. Planted in mid March it is supposed to be ready by mid June............however, I have already been picking it for my salads.
Kentucky Wonder Bean
These have grown well and are about to bloom. Planted in mid April.
Sweet Corn
Planted in mid April, this has already gotten about 2 ft high.
Planted in greenhouse mid April and planted out in garden mid May. They are looking hardy.
Zucchini Black Beauty
Planted in greenhouse in mid April and transplanted in garden in mid May. These are looking hardy.
Yolo Wonder Pepper
These were planted in the greenhouse in mid April and I plan to plant them in the garden this weekend.
Waltham Butternut Squash
Planted in greenhouse in mid April and out into the garden in mid May. Very pretty.
Planted in greenhouse in mid April and I plan to plant in garden this weekend. One plant I have planted in a Topsy Turvey planter just to see how it will do.
I have enjoyed planting these vegetables, but I must confess to you my friends......................that I really only enjoy growing pumpkins and zinnias. I imagine myself at 102 and sitting out by the road, selling pumpkins and fresh cut zinnias. How about you? Do you imagine yourself at an extremely old age? If so, what would you like to be doing? I would love to hear!
Sounds lucious to me! I love all those veggies!
What a great garden
you must be enjoying it so much (o:
My neighbor is an accountant....and loves to come home and work out in the garden
she plants by request. Whatever her neighbors request. I always ask for tomatoes
You are making me hungry Kathleen! My grandma always had beets in her garden and would pickle them. They were always greatly anticipated for holidays.
What a busy one you are! Your harvest has to be fabulous!
Have a great week.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Everything sounds wonderful, Kathleen! We've started harvesting the smaller tomatoes and they are delicious. They are Sweet Million, but they are a hybrid so you can't save seeds. It's probably a good thing for me that I don't have as much ground as you do - I think I might hurt myself! Thanks for sharing your growth report.
Wow, sounds like it is going well in your garden, Kathleen. Home grown and fresh picked always tastes best to me. :)
Hi Kathleen! Sounds like your garden is doing well! How come your cabbage is looking so lovely and mine has little worms eating holes in it? I have been putting Sevin dust on them like the feed store told me to, but they look terrible and I'm still find worms.
Most everything else is doing ok.
We want pictures! Especially of your beautiful zinnias. I bought some of those this year, but they haven't done very well. I don't know if they were not good plants. Do you grow them from seed?
Is it too late to plant pumpkins for fall? I have some seeds from last year, but I thought it was too late...
I've already put up a dozen quarts of pickles...
Ripe old age? I suppose that might be nice in some ways but I already miss Home so much I can't imagine how I would feel by a hundred-two.
IF the Lord decided to leave me here to a ripe old age (or overripe?) I hope to still be able to cook for people - especially baking pies or making chicken and dumplings!
Sounds like it's doing great so far! I've had lettuce, squash, and a few cucumbers so far.
Wow are those cabbage impressive!! We just put ours in the ground. We plant enough to make sauerkraut in the fall.
Reading about your garden is wonderful and it makes me hopeful for ours. So much rain..and no time to work up the ground...maybe this weekend. I have the starts ready to go!
You have some healthy eating to do!!
It's interesting to see your soil and compare it to ours. We have read soil and yours looks like river bottom sand/dirt combination. It's the best for growing. Our chickens make our dirt rich but never easy!
The cabbages are lovely! I wish I could garden more --Lots of shade--I do remember my mother's zinnias--they are a favorite of mine! I can see myself selling my stuff at the Farmer's Market - or perhaps just sitting on my porch sewing.
We have giant slugs and amazing molds growing in our garden thanks to record setting rainfall and low temps for May-June! I am almost jealous. Wonderful bounty Kathleen.
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