The Good News??
1. I have finished all of my embroidery orders for customers, which leaves me time to blog!!
The Bad News??
A wild burro I have been seeing on my way to work and one I was hoping to somehow catch, because no one wanted it, was hit and left on the road to die. And wouldn't you know.............. I am the one to come upon it. It was alive, but had it's front leg broken and other injuries. A couple of farmers came along and helped move it off from the road. After a few other cars stopped by, I learned who it actually belonged to and stayed with it until the owner arrived and unfortunately, they had to put the poor creature out of it's misery..............I boo- hooed all the way home.
Other bad news.........
my stove went out this morning.........meaning I am going to have to be creative in feeding my family for the next couple of weeks until I can purchase a new one................
The Good News..........
I get a brand NEW stove!!!!!
I have also planted all of my pumpkin and decorative gourd plants from the greenhouse into the garden spaces.
The Good News........
it's makes a lovely container for moss rose!..........or is it rose moss??? I always forget.........
The best news............
Life of all shapes and sizes is showing up in all places!
How about you?? Any bad news................any good news??? Any interesting creatures stopping by to visit?? I would love to hear!
Sad about the little burro, I would have cried too. I love the little roses in the old bowl..perfect! We are finally coming to life around here...maybe it is Spring..maybe! ;D
So sorry to hear about the burro. I hate it when things like that happen. I know Texas is different but I believe in fences. We have moose that get hit every year. Sometimes they kill the drivers too. Glad that you guys have rain and the garden is growing well. As for your stove. Do not get an LG. I have an LG dishwasher that just croaked and it is only 3 years old. We were planning on buying an LG refrig but will change to GE now. Glad to hear from you.
I can't imagine seeing a wild burro anywhere! How sad for the little guy. At least he was with people who cared enough to be with him in his last moments.
Oh, Kathleen; I know how it feels to have a tender heart. Sometimes I wish I didn't! But I'm really glad. Poor burro; I'm glad you came along to comfort him.
It is moss rose. I'm looking for some of that now to put in a similar shaped dish except mine is a porcelain bowl my husband drilled a hole in the bottom for me. I like the way that looks and have a good flat place for it.
I have experienced times between working stoves too. Crock pots, electric frying pans, electric griddles and roasting ovens are real blessings! And so is Chinese take-out! :) It's so good to hear from you; thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! Give Sophie a pet for me!
Sad little burro-I'd have cried all the way home too. I'm glad your garden and wild flowers are doing well-and your job is too.
Bad news here-a dear sweet lady in our community died. Good news-my girls got into the Early College High School!!
That is sad about the burro. That would have broken my heart to see that. Love your moss roses! One of my favorites. Our blue tail skink is back, I'll post a picture on my blog. He lives under the landscape timbers near the porch steps.
Kathleen, how awful for you to come upon the burro. Very sad. Yes, I would have cried too.
Your garden is growing well. Looks like you'll have garden goods to eat soon.
A new stove--hurray!! :D
That is sad. I love the idea of moss roses in a container, especially enamel cute!
We are finally having nice warm sunny more snow I hope (o:
So sorry to hear about the burro. That must have been so hard.
Glad you get a new the mean time there is the crock pot and the toaster oven and a cheap hot plate if you have to purchase something.
Good luck (o:
Ohhh, I hate to hear about the burro. THat's so sad, and even sadder that you were the one that came upon it. But, also you were able to sit with it (and maybe pet it?) until help arrived. Sad...
Yes I've had a few visitors this spring. An armadillo is digging little holes in the yard, there's some little cutter-type worms eating my cabbage and I've found ONE of those huge fat green worms eating my tomatoe plants! He got chopped up right quick. Now, Kathleen, aren't you glad you asked??? haha!
YEA for you getting a new stove!!! I always go with Kenmore myself...
AND one more thing - I have an old metal bucket that got a hole in it, and this year it's raising some patio tomatoes! I love having things like that! I'll be your garden looks great with all that rain - we only got 1/2 inch out of it!
On yeah, and just one more - thanks for asking about my son in Nashville - he's fine and his place is on a hill way above the flooding. He says the flooding is just terrible and there are some places that'll never be the same!
Have a great week!
So sad about the little burrow..How did it get out and get hurt. I practically smother my dogs with worrying about them getting hurt.
Your garden looks a lot better than mine but I still have hopes..we have very very poor soil and I won't be living here long enough to build it up.
I can't handle all the bad things here (especially a Lady getting bit by a Rattle snake at WM and 2 young boys getting bit by a rabid Fox) Just going outside un nerves me now that spring is here..Hope to get out of here no later than next May.
Kathleen, sorry to hear about the burro, hard when things like that happen. Your garden veggies look greatand I like your rose moss container! My good news is, I had a wonderful vacation! Bad news is now I have to play catch-up at home, although hubby did take good care of things here. More good news, I have been commissioned to do a painting! and a request for another that I am considering. Thanks for your comments on my blog!
Oh no... I am so sad about the burro :( Your plantings look excellent! And I love the rock moss (or whatever it's called b/c I truly don't know). Anyway, it looks fabulous in that planter! Thanks for sharing. Please send sunshine our way! :) -Tammy
Sorry about you having to find the burro! I would've cried too!
Glad to hear you're getting a new stove! Your garden is looking great!
i like that with your bad news there is also some good.
Too bad about the little burro....when things like this happen it does make for a sad day.....hope today is better. On the bright side your garden and flowers are flourishing...and I see a dear little sweet them. Wishing you sunnys days...hugs, Linda
The good news is there IS good news! Even if there is lots of bad news~
What an awful thing to come upon the donkey your heart desired , dying in the road. That makes me very sad. Good thing hitting the donkey did not kill the driver that hit him. That is good news too.
I have a bit of enamel ware with holes in it, and you're right, it does make a nice planter.
Oh, I'm so sorry about the burro. I hate to see animals hurt so bad they can't recover and I can't help them.
Sorry about your stove, but YEAH for a new stove!
Your posts area coming about as often as mine anymore. I'm glad you are keeping us posted. Sorry about all the bad news, however you've done well to crowd some of it out by sharing the better news!! Blessings until...
it's good to hear from you, I'm a bit behind myself. Your garden looks beautiful, and my grandmother always had moss rose in old dishpans. They go together. Sorry about the bad news but glad a caring person stopped to help. A new stove Woo Hoo!
I love your newsy post Kathleen! So sorry about the sweet burro. I hate when animals suffer. Love your old bowl! I have my mothers old yellow teapot with hotes in it! I am going to be a copy~cat!
goofed in previous comment -very sad about wild burro - no contest between a vehicle and an animal that turns out OK for the animal. We've had quite a bit of rain but I am too lazy to get my plants into our containers! Your post makes me feel motivated to get something growin,
Poor little burro! Your garden looks beautiful. I have bad and exciting news all in one, our neighbors saw a bear in their yard, that's the exciting part, the bad part is we have little lambs that big black bears like to eat!
The garden looks wonderful, Kathleen! I'm so sorry about the little burro- how sad that must have been for you.
Yay on the new stove! (Sorry your old one had to conk out to get it, but.... LOL)
I'm so sorry about the little burro. I know exactly how you feel. I would have been the chief mourner at the little fellow's passing. Sorry your stove went out, but glad you have a new one. Your garden looks great. It sure will be a joy to get fresh vegetables from the garden. I'm happy you guys are getting rain to make the garden grow well.
It's great to hear from you again.
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