The past few days, rain, fog, and chilly wind has swept through the prairie. Weather I actually love. Don't get me wrong....I love pleasant sunny days as well, but there is just something about cool foggy days that change the hostile West Texas weather and it's
thorny plants and creatures...and I find myself lingering outside more. There are still some summer creatures hanging around the pond...even though the cold snap has slowed them down. This beautiful dragon fly was clinging to a branch in the early morning dampness......it's wings dressed in rain drop diamonds. Of course this photo is going into my
embroidery files....such lovely design and colors to stitch.

This is a busy time for the farmers. If you ever get to drive the Texas back roads this time of year....the highways as well....you will look out and think you have just missed a snow storm. The cotton fields are white and full of fluff.

Rain is something the cotton farmers don't like to see this time of year. The cotton needs to be dry and opened up. Just look at that future embroidery floss laying out in the fields!!

Along with the field crops, come the thorny and sometimes (pretty) weeds. These weeds are full of
prickery, pods. But my eye is immediately drawn to the striking red stalks and greens.
Now...how about you? What is lying out in your fields or woods this time of year? Is there a lot of color or is every thing under a blanket of white? I would love to hear!
I won some of her wonderful handmade soap in her giveaway!
Nancy is the sweetest and craftiest lady. Would you all stop by and say hello?'She would love to meet you!
Thank you again, Nancy!
Such good photos-as always! Around my house-I've been noticing the fall colored leaves. I do believe they are the prettiest I've ever seen them.
The photos are so good! We have cotton fields like this in the delta, i love driving through them! The Dragon Fly is awesome! :)
that dragonfly is beautiful and I've never seen cotton in the field before..only in those little plastic bags at the store! LOL I've had a ton of birds on my lawn the past 3 days, feeding I guess. A big old magpie has been teasing the dog about his bone, fun to watch. Just waiting for the first snow I think~Come say hi :D
The dragon fly photo is AMAZING!!!
Stuff here is golden/brown in the fields. Trees are truing golden.
That is THE prettiest dragonfly! I love seeing the cotton in the field too. Currently, we have a blanket of wet leaves on the driveway! It is beginning to get cold and windy, so maybe the leaves will blow on down the street!
Love that dragon fly. When I was a kid, I remember them being lined up on the clothes line. I don't see them that much anymore. Enjoy the cool foggy weather.
The dragon fly is beautiful. Even though we get a lot of rain and a lot of dragon flies, I have never seen one with raindrop covered wings.
I like your view of a field of cotton, "just look at that future embroidery floss.."
Our place is also wet and soggy, I love it that way. And there are beautiful Autumn leaves falling everywhere.
For some reason I have noticed more dragonflies this year than ever! They are beautiful and you caught the glistening wings so well! No cotton here..but lots of green, gold, red and orange! The winds brings down the leaves and I stop to pick them up! My table has an interesting display of them..building a little larger each day.
What a great picture! It looks like it has little crystals on it's wings. It's getting chilly here too!
Hi Kathleen~ Thanks for your kind words on the loss of our kitty. I have thought about you and precious Hercules many times. It just hurts. ~Mandy (I love the beautiful cotton fields!)
Great shot of the dragonfly's wing "bling!"
Smply wonderful photo! that will certinly be pretty in embroidery, but also consider putting it in a photo contest! You have such an eye for these things!
Have a wonderful blessed day Kathleen!
Whew! just looking at all that cotton made me tired :o)...just have to pass it up this year ...not enough strength to do anything with all I have from last year...Ginny
We have the cotton fields here too Kathleen and it looks like a lot of it has been damaged and bent over..The pecans are falling off the trees here now and of course Billy is picking them up wherever he can and carrys a small plastic bag in his pocket.
We wre waiting to see when yhey come and plow up the peanuts and hoping they miss some that he can go and pick some up..Why is it so much fun to bend over and pick up treats off the ground :)
Your soap is on the way..hope you like it all..I put some extra samples in for you. Let me know when you get them if you liked them :)
All that cotton reminds me of home. Thank goodness I never had to pick any. We have gone past fall color here. Cold weather is near. We actually had snow on the ground. It wont be long till everything is white.
just one more comment, I so appreciate seeing things from your area that I would never get to see in person. I have seen cotton fields in Southeast Missouri but it has been so long. It is not yet pretty here but the sun is shining today and we hope to have a good week to clean out the garden. Thanks again.
Kathleen, I think you can add photography to your list of accomplishments! Your pics are always wonderful. I think fall in Texas must be very fine indeed!
The fields around my house looks just like these! Maybe it's because some of them are the same fields, or ones very close by! ;-)
Great photos!
Lots of brown corn stalks and soybean plants in the fields around here, Kathleen. The cotton fields there look very pretty.
Your dewdrop dragonfly photo is awesome!
Loved your blog.
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