My name is Boo. My life here on the farm is quiet and simple. I go out in the early morning, explore the woods , and then head back to the comfort of the front porch. Today the wind hard that half of the cotton field is lying in our backyard, and a 1/4 is inside of the house.

So I retired to my favorite spot and settled down for my 7 hour nap. Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw him..........sneaking ever so quietly up to the front door. Down I jump to confront him and immediately, he and I are in a heated discussion, with his noise drowning out my warning growls.

Now in all of my 14 years, I have never seen Kathleen run and the same time...
except when.....

these come calling. Kathleen heard the buzzing, sees this slithery creature, coiled and ready.....tells me that she will be right back...and I hear her as she runs, shrieking, and then back in no time with a shovel. I hold my position while she is gone, keeping this fellow from getting any closer to the front door. As he and I are making noise, Kathleen tells me to step back and then in one whack, the debate is over.

I have just finished a bowl of fresh tuna, prepared in
gratefulness by Kathleen, and I am now in the middle of her bed.......ready to continue my nap. Life is good, when you're the queen......
and brave!
No shovel for me! I'm taking the shotgun to that bad boy! :)
OOOHHH! You and Boo are brave! I would still be running. Boo has the sweetest face I've ever seen.
That scared me to death!!! I could not even look at that picture because I would have dreamed about it tonight! I hate snakes! Bless the kitty's heart..glad it didn't get bit! Do you have lots of those? I'd move if I did~
Come say hi :D
Getting the willies just looking at the picture. Way to big for a shovel a stick of dynomite maybe...
Boo, earned that bowl of tuna, yes, you are brave.
Thanks stopping by my blog for a visit come again soon.
Blessings, Mel
Oh my gosh! Here I am dealing with gophers and you're dealing with rattlers! Good for you whacking that nasty thing, and great that Boo alerted you! Go BOO!
Now let me get this strait - was it Kathleen who was brave, or Boo that was smart, and just reported it to Kathleen? Hum.....
Good on you Boo and Kathleen!I think I am glad to read of this adventure and NOT experience it personally.I am also grateful you both escaped unharmed, and the snake that would enter your domain is no more.
You're one in a million, BOO! We should all have a cat like that. Glad that turned out well, Kathleen!
*chuckle* That is too cute, Kathleen- I'm so glad you have Boo to keep you safe from those snakes.
I especially love that Boo takes 7 hour naps!! (That's my kind of nap! LOL)
Yikes! But tuna, no snake steak?!
Holy crap! You're a lot braver than I am. That's one heckuva snake!!
Yikes!!! I hate snakes and a rattler is the worst. So glad it did not get in your house...oh my goodness.
Brave cat and cats Mom.
Do you have many of those around there? We have them about 30 minutes away in the foothills. Not usually down here. We have been having other animals a bobcat, so I guess it is possible.
Yikes! Sounds like YOU'RE the brave one! :) I'm glad all ended well and that everyone is safe! Have a blessed, snake-free day!
good kitty. and you are a very courageous woman!
Oh wow, Kathleen!!! What a brave, wonderful cat. She deserves treats and special napping spots!
How big was that thing????You are braver than me..when I was a kid in Kentucky my grandmother always kept her hoe at hand. It was her snake weapon as well as a gardening tool. Cute, cute kitty, so calm and nonchalant.
OMG! You are truly brave. I would be to scared to use my shovel. I'm not as brave....good thing Boo alerted you. Keep safe.
Irma :)
Holy Cow..I don't know what I would have done but am guessing that I would have been so worried about the snake killing my Kitty that I also would have used a shovel..When you have that much pumping through your veins you don't think about the danger until it is all over...You and Boo both deserve a medal...anyone that doesn't have a cat should get one. I always tell my DH that they are loyal and will protect me..and my dogs will too.
Glad you like the soap..if there is a special scent you would like let me know..I'm sure I can find it...the pieces I sent you were mostly samples...If I cut a piece wrong then I just cut it up into samples to share with others.
Kudos to you and BOO! You are now the bravest woman on the planet.
Dang girl...a shovel! WHEWW.
Oh my! I couldn't do that. I'd be running away instead of running to get a shovel. I'm so glad that you and Boo are OK.
Wow, I would probably just be screaming for help instead of taking it on myself! What a brave kitty cat!
Oh! Miss Kathleen........
That just scares the beheebies out of me! Thank goodness you killed it!
I'm thinking a gun, but it would take me so long to find which gun and load it... ooooh, I've got shivers. I wish I didn't even have to think about it being a possibility!
Who needs scary movies? THIS is scary!!!! You be careful!
Yikes-I think you and Boo are both brave!
What an amazing cat!!! And you are brave to kill that snake. And Wonderful you to remember to take photos!
I really glad Boo wasn't hurt!
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