When it comes to the question....
"If you could live anywhere you wanted....where would you live?"
I have to honestly say it would be hard to choose my country life I now have or living on the beach. There is just something about the roar of the ocean and the call of the gulls, that lures me away. Which brings up my love for sea shells. ...I have always loved sea shells long before I ever visited the beach. I have quite a few boxes and baskets filled with shells of all kinds of beauty.....
Most of my earlier life has been spent in self criticism and disappointment on how I look on the ...
outside. I never had to wait for anyone to point out what was wrong with the way I looked....
I ran that check list every morning as I scowled at myself in the mirror. Magazines and commercials let me know I didn't add up.
when it comes to my country life....I feel the same way about the flowers and blooms that blossom around me. Each petal and plant is entirely different....even if it is of the same family.
How about you? Have you struggled with issues like these? And just for the fun of it.....
"Where would you live if you had the choice of anywhere you wanted?" I would love to hear!
I just love hearing from all of you!
And remember......bloom and shine the way you know how!
Kathleen, you always have a wonderful, meaningful message in your post. By the way, I LOVE your header picture, it's gorgeous.
I would have to say "by the ocean" too. I've only been to the Gulf several times, and once to the Caribbean. But I love the salt air, the feel of the sand shifting under my feet as I walk along the water. I love the sound of the waves and the cries of the gulls as they swoop down to follow the fishing boats.
I miss the ocean very much now that I'm in the Midwest. The Great Lakes are nice, but they aren't the same. I think I'd like to live by the ocean.
Just found your blog and I think it's fabulous,couldn't help but notice the photo of Noah looks so much like my Gus, so sorry you lost him.
Will be back to visit your fab blog.
Yes, I think most of us--especially women--struggle with not measuring up. Looks were never a big thing with me, until recently! When one's husband leaves her for a younger woman, the mirror is not a friend! Still, I tell clients all the time that this is a treadmill we don't want to get on. The physical thing is a race we all lose eventually! Your posts are evidence--great evidence--of what a neat person you are. It is no wonder you have found your footing! Thanks for being thoguht provoking this morning. C.
I totally agree with you as far as where to live. If I had a choice and money or life circumstance were not an option, it would be between where I live now or the ocean front.
Again, a wonderful post . Thank-you.
Kathleen, what a wonderful posting (as usual). I so agree with everything you said. I know for myself I spent way too much time worrying about my outside..
I think if I could live anywhere but here (Atlanta)... I would love to live in the Mountains, North Georgia or North Carolina. I hope when husband retires we will get out of this city and move to the majestic mountains. Unfortunately employment keeps us here so for NOW I WILL bloom where I am.
Like you - I love being near the ocean but couldn't imagine giving up my spot of North Texas. Your post is excellent - and love love love the new banner heading!
Your honesty reminds me of myself for years. I was close to my 40's when life finally made sense and I realized what others saw was important, but not the MOST important. What I was inside, and my relationship with the Lord. If I had worth in His eyes, then I must be fine. I realized He doesn't make junk!
Great post
Such a wonderful post today Kathleen. I am perfectly happy where I am and feel very blessed to be here. I like visiting the ocean, but between not swimming and having really big hair in the ocean air - I don't think I would like living there!!!!!!
I am SO glad that God doesn't look at the outward appearance, but at the heart. A pure heart will shine through for those who have the discernment to see it.
What a beautiful post. Yes there is beauty in everyone. I think even beautiful (physically) people can look in a mirror and find fault. As we age we look at what is beyond the mirror. Our true self. All physical beauty fails with time but, have you ever looked into the eyes of an elderly person and seen the beauty glow from within? It comes from finding what is truly important. I have lived near the beach, spent time in the mountains of NC and am now in Maine. Here is home to me now. I love the farmland patchwork quilt.
I love how you put the seashell story. I think we all feel that way when we're younger. It takes time and age to change that, at least for me. I love the beach too! How about if we find a beach that is in the country, lol!
Lovely shell and wonderful message here, Kathleen. You definitely shine! :)
I would love to live farther south and definitely close to the ocean.
oh, yes, ma'am, I can certainly relate to those feelings you describe. Though they still try to creep in, age has brought a kind of wisdom that brings peace and a lot less self-condemnation. PTL!
Good post!
I always find it confusing how we gain such wisdom and insight as we get older, when it would've done us so much more good when we were younger perhaps. And then when we try to convey and teach those who are younger what we now know, they aren't interested and think they know more!! Even something like my kids breaking up with a girlfriend/boyfriend - I kind of think with a shrug, 'Good, they weren't meant for you; something better's out there', but I know that's not how I thought way back when and that's not what they're thinking at the time. Great post! Oh, and I'd live in the country if I could - you know that!! ☺
I love the picture! Your post today was so eloquent. I think what you wrote spoke to the inner struggle common to most of us so I can really identify! I love the ocean too! It's been way too long since I've been there. V.
i think that you are very bloomiful !
Wonderful insight Kathleen! I think you have to learn to bloom where you're planted.
Kathleen, this is a wonderful post and got me thinking. I've always tried to be myself and not a copy cat...and I feel blessed and happy just as I am. My favorite spot is near the ocean and I'd love to live there.....but until, if ever there is no place like home...hugs, Linda
What a wonderful and thoughtful post! I've mentioned before, I love living here in the woods. I'm lucky enough to live pretty close to the ocean, too - only fifteen miles away. So I have the best of both worlds!
Kathleen, I can't imagine that you could be anything but beautiful inside and out...
I love the ocean too, Kathleen... I've always had such a sense of wonder and felt so small standing near the waves as they came in... but I don't think I could trade my mountains for it... I feel homesick if I'm away from them too long!
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