Today I saw the strangest sight..
A dove with no tail it
took off in flight...
What could have happened? I wondered all the while....

In the yard I found them lying in a pile...

"It wasn't me! Said old Max in woe....
hack, cough, sneeze, I'm too old and too slow! "

Boo said, "I've been here..sleeping all the day!
I would have never taken it's tail feathers away!"

Abbey?..Abbey... What about you?.....
"Me?...NO!!..yawn, stretch..
I've been's true!"
Salem...where are you, have you not heard?

Uumm, me? not me! ....bird...what bird???
Salem, you have feathers from your head

to your feet! ....
"The bird gave them to me...he's so very sweet!"
"He flew down beside me and said we could share.....I get his feathers...
he gets my hair!.....

Now Salem, the birds are like family...we don't eat them you know!
No more grabbing birdies, or outside you can't go!

"I promise"
says Salem, "to be good from now on"
and just enjoy birdies for their lovely spring song.
I wont grab their tail feathers or pounce in their way
and right by your side I promise to stay"