"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands........" 1 Thessalonians 4:11

Tuesday, January 28, 2025



A new calendar for the new year has taken its place on the wall and a new month of the new year is already at its end.........

where does the time manage to go?.....I wonder. I look back on the old year with gratitude and  with many wonderful memories....what fun this past year brought to us!

Already this new year for many, has started with tragic happenings and so much uncertainty. So many have lost their homes, their lives, their way of life, and happiness in the fires in California, so many are under a heavy blanket of harsh winter weather on the other side of the nation. So many are trying to find hope starting a new year while still recovering from tragic loss of last year. Then there are those who are unknown, who are facing their own personal crisis and uncertainty.

For all of you.....I extend my prayers and good wishes.

Winter , here, has been dry, very dry......too dry with  days of  sun, and nights with extreme cold, and then days of pleasant sun and warmth with nights not so frigid.  The trees in the woods are all grey and bare with their limbs twisting and reaching up to the sky, 

yet the prickly pear cactus......never withering, never succumbing to any kind of weather... my constant foe in land battle, is standing green and strong.  

As for resolutions.....I choose not to have them these days.  There are things...... the same things that I must do....many from last year in waiting....things that I hope to do to make things better along the grounds and to make things better in my life. When it comes to the outside work that needs to be done, it seems that I can work and work for weeks to get it done and the minute I turn my back, it returns to being wild again. I like to think it is Mother Nature reminding me of where I live and that I am only a steward living here.  I guess if I were to label anything from the list of things I need to do......I would like to call them "accomplishments" for if I am to ever get them completely finished.......that would certainly be an accomplishment!

I personally start this year with gratitude and contentment, with a hope of peace to stay with us throughout each day that comes.

So tell me........do you have resolutions?  Do  you have hopes or plans? I would love to hear.

Here's wishing you days full of what you are hoping for!

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Hello Winter ---Goodbye 2024


If ever I felt home-sick it was when returning home from a walk, on a chilly winter afternoon... 
Countess von Lauenbrück, "Life in a North-German Chateau," 1867

Winter has come and the end of the year is almost here.  I hope with the coming new year I will have many projects stitched and finished.  
Here's wishing  you a very merry Christmas and a very peaceful new year!
blessings, always, Kathleen

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The house is full of furry visitors

 Thanksgiving was a wonderful time for us.......I am hoping that it was a wonderful time for all of you as well. 

As most of you know ,the only pet I have now, is our black cat Taboo. When our daughter comes to visit, she brings her three pets consisting of two dogs,
and Ruby,
along with her cat, Ellie.
My daughter is on a two week vacation and has left her group with us , trusting them to my care.
The pets are sweet and friendly, and the only hiccup I have is that my cat and my daughter's cat do not like each other and the dogs are over anxious with my cat. So to keep every pet happy and safe, my living room now has two large dog crates and I have managed to make the living room separate from the rest of the house, giving my cat free range in the other rooms.  My daughter's cat has complete reign of the guest bedroom.  My  mornings are taken up with a long and enjoyable walk with both dogs around the perimeter of our property and up the field road and back to the house......then it's feeding time for everyone.......and then I spend time playing with Ellie.  The day goes fairly well with the occasional trip outside to a play yard for the dogs and ends with a late afternoon long walk with them before the day ends. Since our Sophie has passed......it's been awhile since I have taken such long walks and I had forgotten how much time and attention dogs want.  I do realize that although I love dogs, I do not want any for my own.  I have gotten used to the freedom and doing whatever at any time and going anywhere at anytime without a concern .  
How about you?  Do you have dogs and cats?  Do you want more than what you have now?
I would love to hear! 

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Wishing You A Very Blessed Thanksgiving


image from the internet: Thanksgiving holiday dinner in Tennessee. 1930's

Gather friends and family 'round the table
Remember those we love no longer here
Together take a moment and be grateful
For the joy, for the tears.  

                                     "lyrics....The Bocelli Family"


Friday, November 1, 2024



November comes
      And November goes,
      With the last red berries
      And the first white snows.
With night coming early,
      And dawn coming late,
      And ice in the bucket
      And frost by the gate.
The fires burn
      And the kettles sing,
      And earth sinks to rest
      Until next spring.
Elizabeth Coatsworth (1893–1986)