I watch the leaves of the twisted mesquite trees, falling to the ground, drifting with the breeze. These are small, long , narrow, leaves and in the early sunlight, it looks as if it is raining golden raindrops.
The woods and much of the trees are still green in color at this time of year..........yet, the ground is getting covered by the leaves that are turning gold and letting loose .........they know, it is time to go to sleep for the long cold days ahead.
Amazingly, there are still butterflies and large fuzzy bumble bees lingering in and out of the .......still blooming, remaining summer flowers......gathering what they can from the lovely petals that soon will be gone.

In the, what seems to be, slowing down time, it is actually a hurry up and get things done time. With the daylight ending early, the outside matters need to be tended to.....from clearing garden spaces for late fall flower seed planting, and bulb containers waiting for bulbs to be planted, to wrapping plastic housing around plants that stay outside of the greenhouse to endure the winter months.
Inside, a quick survey and a list is to be made for things needed in the pantry and for the ingredients to make meals for the upcoming holidays. Even with a year of me knowing the holidays are coming........I am still in a rush mode when it gets down to just a few weeks left to be ready.
In spite of the rush, these are pleasant days to enjoy...........full of long walks, amazing morning skies, and calming golden sunsets.
Tell me, are you busy getting outside things prepared for the cold days ahead?.......are you planning on fun gatherings around your holiday table?.......are you taking time to enjoy these pleasant and calm days?
Here's wishing for you much pleasantness and peace these November days.