and everyone I hold dear,
is going to forever be in a "happy" little corner of my world.........
really stings when a cold slap by the hand of
the twists and turns of life
change everything in a heartbeat.
The forgetfulness part? all my fault.
In taking care of my chickens in
the late afternoon......I forgot to put the latch onto my chicken house door.
How could I have forgotten??? I keep asking this question over and over.
Because of my "forgetfulness",
my two sweet tiny roosters and 3 of my tiny little hens
were all killed in the night by raccoons, who found their way into the pen
and then were able to open the unlatched door.
There will be no more "eggs in my pocket" from my chickens.
I took my 3 remaining hens to a friend who
has chickens. These poor 3 remaining hens were in total shock...from the attack
and now that they are okay, it is time for them to be among
other happy chickens.
I have kept chickens for 17 years........and year after year
so many things have happened. Coyote attacks, stray dog attacks, bobcat visits, rattlesnake bites,
and now raccoon invasions. I am weary of heartbreak for these
creatures that give such joy to my day, and such pain
when they leave. I need a break. And I am not sure if
I will ever get more chickens later.
and now.............the part about taking for granted that those you
hold dear will always be in "my happy corner of the world"
Without sharing personal and private details,
a family crisis sprung upon us and I found myself, in shock, worry, and unbelief,
as I sat all night in an ICU ward and visited throughout a week not completely sure of the outcome.
All is well now, and what could have turned out to be a tragedy,
has turned out with good news and many thankful hearts for prayers answered.
But with this happening, it makes me more aware
that none of us is guaranteed tomorrow, and none of us is immune to pain or grief.
The ones we hold dear can leave us, without so much of even a goodbye.
Life is extremely fragile in beast and man.
Life can call death upon us without a warning.
With Thanksgiving just a few days ahead,
we, this year, will have much to be thankful for.
Hold tight to those you love, through action and kind words........
Wishing you all a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving.