that is dressed in it's finest and colorful dress,
shimmering in the sunlight
and looking breathtaking against a clear blue sky. I t wont be long however before these leaves fall to the ground, brown and dry......and the tree sleeps it's cold winter sleep.
Once again, the long limbs grow from the bottom of the tree's matter how much we have tried to stop once again the limbs get trimmed away.........
Instead of tossing them into the compost.......I take them in and place them in vintage vases to decorate the dinning room table..........
the various rooms

and bathroom counters. Just these simple twigs and leaves bring such beauty to a space......
don't you think??
Out in the greenhouse the flowers are completely unaware of the cold weather that is whistling around the corner........the snap dragons from this spring are in full bloom
as well as the various containers of moss rose.
The geranium that had been so tired and frazzled from the past hot summer is budding and growing taller.
The tomato vines that I planted in large containers just for the greenhouse
are giving me a wonderful bounty each week as I visit.
The cyclamen that stay in the greenhouse during the cold night, go out into the window boxes during the day when the sun pleasant this time of year.
The migrating Sand Hill Cranes fly and call to each other in the late evening sky as they head to their roosting place in a wet land pasture a few miles away.
The evening has turned chilly and it is perfect for sitting around a fire and talking with my sweet one about the tapestry of our life that we have weaved for ourselves. We both wonder...........
where have all of the years gone??
It has been a sweet life and we reflect on that, as the fire crackles and glows.
How about you?
Are your trees showing off their brilliant colorful leaves?
Do you like to sit around and evening fire........inside or outside?
I would love to hear!