Today is Friday...................for some that is great news because it's the end of a long week of work.....................for me................I'm not too excited................I have to go into town to run errands. My heart's to go to town.............just once a month, something I have not yet perfected. I might look forward to going to town each week, if the town had a Starbucks and a Hobby Lobby...............but no.............only two major grocery stores...........a handful of dollar stores, and a string of fast food chains.............. and dirty sidewalks................not much to pull at my heart strings. One thing I do enjoy, the drive.............
This field of green and cattle stretches for miles, all the way to the interstate. Once in a while, I might get to see a deer or coyote run across. It is always wonderful to see the colors of a storm forming in the distance as well. How about you?
Do you like to go to town every week?...........or have you got it worked out to only go once in a while?
Do you drive a distance to get back and forth? What do you see? Do you have mountains and you have flat land to look across? I would love to hear!