You will find me waiting at the end of some dirt road, overgrown with weeds from the absence of footsteps. You can find me along with countless others on the internet....labeled as abandoned......eerie...creepy....scary..........but......

if these walls could talk, you would hear another version, ........these walls........

these walls have been painted on, wall papered, grease splattered and colored on. They have held photos of young married couples, old married couples, babies,....families of those who made this house a home.....These walls have kept away the storm's wind and rain, snow and cold.....and have kept a warmth surrounding this family..........

These floors have been walked on, stomped on, spilt on, crawled on, and scrubbed on. These doors have been slammed in moments of
hurriedness, play and sometimes anger. These windows have let the sunshine and cool breeze in while keeping the danger of outside......out.

These porches have been a place where plans have been thought out, where the best of childhood games have been played and where everyone seemed to like to gather the most. A welcoming retreat from the blazing heat of the day. The place where the end of the day is sorted out and given rest.

I was once a happy place, hidden away from the fast pace of this maddening world.....a place of quiet........

I was once
someones castle, protecting all of those who lived inside of these walls. Each room heard different conversations......the radio telling of the for the strawberry jam.....the next best move at the baseball game.... prayers for each and everyone who lived within......and the secrets told to a dear diary about the boy down the road.......

I was once
someones dream....... the new bride....the babies...the new barn....the hay field....... the harvest.....

I have known the laughter, sadness, worry, and hopes that make up a family.

I was once what everyone thought home should be..........

I was once a dream, a well thought out plan.......that for some reason....did not come true.....

Abandoned........yes......eerie, creepy, scary? would say more..........
protector, refuge, .....a touchstone......
..........home........ waiting at the end of a dirt road.
......whenever I see and old vacant house......I want to pull over and go inside and look at every room.....something always calls to me in these old beauties.....
My question to do you feel when you see an old vacant house? I always love hearing your thoughts.