"Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands........" 1 Thessalonians 4:11

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Whether I like or not........... new visitosr have come to the farm

First this very sweet cat.  He was sitting on the back porch early one morning..........
I made the mistake of asking him if he was hungry..........he was.
I posted his picture on Facebook, 
no one has accepted him as their friend........as of yet.
I have named him..........Hobo

The next day, this young bird got trapped into our chimney and the next morning, it finally came out of the fireplace........tired and weak. I let it go outside.......and it flew away.

The next day after that,  a swarm of gigantic flying ants covered the whole grounds. This is their mating season. They have done this a few years ago and I do not like them being here. You cannot walk because they are all over the grounds. Thankfully in a couple of days, they left.
The cat........has not left
. He rolls all over the porch and makes it hard for me to resist rubbing his belly.......which he loves.  Although I don't really want another cat.......
the large rats that will not leave my car alone.......have suddenly disappeared and are no longer on my engine when I open the hood. 
My flowers have stopped being nibbled down...........
He follows right along side of Sophie and I on our walks.......
so incredibly sweet
He has proven himself to be a worthy " farm cat"
so..........I guess.........
 he will stay.

My greenhouse and my greenhouse gardens are looking pretty this time of year.

It's always full of rose moss, blooming in brilliant color

and budding in every container.

I love pincushion cactus and I have had this one for many years.

My Chrysanthemums are beautiful this year

and the roses are constantly blooming.
I had planted a large garden of zinnia, as you know, my favorite flower,
but we have had an explosion of rabbits this year. '
They mowed all of my sprouted Zinnia down.

Little Taboo is growing larger.......well........longer each day. He enjoys sitting with me during my stitching hours........sorting my thread.

Sophie.........sweet as always has welcomed all the cats into her domain.
As long as she is the only dog........she is happy.

I have a vintage recipe on my cooking blog by Ann Pillsbury 1950.
Just click onto link to visit

So tell me..........what visitors have you had lately??


FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a great post! I love your critters except for the flying ants. Glad the new kitty is staying and how great that your dog is very accepting! :-)

The critters who visit regularly and that I don't like at all are the racoons, especially when they play on the roof, slamming around right over the bedroom area.

I enjoy all of the birds and butterflies.

Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

Anonymous said...

I love seeing Taboo, Sophie and Hobo. It always amazes me when a cat like Hobo is so loving and trusting after (obviously) all it has been through. Bless you for taking him in. So cute that Sophie allows the cats into HER space!
On my way to your other blog now.

Hill Top Post said...

It seems wayfaring visitors are wise to stop in at your place! Sometimes our visitors come and go, but more often than not, they stay. Most of our cats are second generation strays...can't do without them here on the farm.

Nancy J said...

Well, our visitors... down here there is "Ginger Boy" a massive maybe Norwegian Forest/something breed, finally I can brush him as he feeds.Gentle, never complains if the food dish is empty, and then strolls off, coming back in during the night to sleep in the lounge, his own cushion and the fire going!!!. Wee Boris, a warrior if ever, I received very detailed instructions after his castration yesterday.. keep quiet, no vigorous exercise, keep inside.. Well, he ran, and ran and ran, up the hall, into every room, pounced on Felicity( our matriarch of nearly 17 years) and spat at another stray cat who was outside the shut door.Oh well, tomorrow is another day. Your new boy Did you know I love the gingers best of all, Boris is our 4th. Take care with those ants.

janice15 said...

I totally enjoyed my visit I had many sweet giggles... I have a cat who visits when I'm not in the Garden.. he suns himself in my Garden but the moment I go outside he takes off.. I have had his visits now for four years.. Wow you really had some visiting going on.. Great post.. with love Janice

Kathleen Grace said...

Well at least Hobo is earning his keep! Your gardens are beautiful, you have some things we just can't grow in Michigan, (cactus!) We have had a fox, a couple of sand hill cranes and some wild turkeys in the back yard this year. None stayed, although I keep an eye out for the fox. I hope to see him again :)

Laurie said...

What an awesome post! I enjoy seeing all the happy critters that you have made an incredible home for. Except the ants that is! Hobo is one very lucky cat to have found your home. He's adorable! Your flowers are gorgeous, I love moss roses and yours are so pretty. I haven't had any visitors lately, except for the many birds I sit and enjoy daily!

Connie said...

Hobo is a handsome fellow! It sounds like he will earn his keep. Those flying ants--YIKES!--I wouldn't like having them around either. Your flowers are always so pretty. I love your rose moss.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

My next door neighbor took in an abandoned cat. Only problem is - the cat doesn't want to live in the house. So I have her visit quite often, at least until the dogs come out to play. Then she quickly jumps back over the fence into her own yard!
Your gardens are beautiful. It is so hot already, ours are struggling.

Sherri Farley said...

Such a delightful post. Hobo is the perfect name and Sophie is so special. The only critters Cappy welcomes with open paws are turtles. Lizards, rabbits and deer are fun to chase but are never caught!

Lady Jane said...

Hobo will definitely be an asset! Love little Taboo and Sophie. Wish I could move that greenhouse on over here, lol... My those flying ants are discusting, glad they don't stay around long...

Debra said...

Well, we had a Rat that actually killed a chipmunk! Seeing a RAT was not my favorite thing to do-we have lived here 25 years and have never had one. Mice, yes-but not a rat! So we trapped the awful thing and have not seen one since then. We have about 135 chipmunks who love filling their cheeks with bird seed. I think their stash will explode into one huge sunflower some day!

NanaNor's said...

Hi there, we get lots of bunnies here-they are so cute(but eat the flowers). I would be so grossed out with those ants-I hate ants! Big time hate them. Thanks for sharing.

Lindah said...

Ahh, Hobo sounds like he is earning his keep. Our most recent visitors were having a stag party just outside our back fence. Little spikes, forked horns and the bigger patriarch with his impressive rack. The wild plums along the creek and fence are ripe and dropping. Some might even be a bit fermented. Oops! Party time!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Hello from Ontario, I'm stopping by from On Cedar Pond, Kathy's blog. There's always something in a cycle year like your flying ants, it appears to be chipmunks for us and the only unwelcome visitor has been a blue heron at the backyard pond eating the frogs.
We have quite a few feral cats in our area, too far from the farms for residence though so the town captured as many as they could and spayed/neutered them.

Deb said...

It's a wonderful time, for sure, to be enjoying all that country living offers. Your gardens look very happy. Thank you from another cat-lover for taking in dear Hobo. He certainly is trying his best to earn his keep. I dropped over from Spot on Cedar Pond and enjoyed your post. Deb Ontario, Canada.

KathyB. said...

We all need a cat to sort out our thread baskets, don't we ?

Hobo looks like a perfect addition to your home and yard, especially since he seems to take care of the rat problem.

Your garden and flowers are so beautiful and I am always amazed at how well they thrive in such a hot and dry place. Your needle fingers are green !

Karen said...

What a sweet new kitty you have, bless you for taking care of him! I love your flowers, they are beautiful, and it's nice to see your other dear animals, too!

Sue said...

Love when I see a new post from you! Love your little place in the country and all the homey things you write about!

A Colorful World said...

Lots of new visitors! I can't believe the rats get under the hood of your car....how bizarre! Maybe the new cat needs to stay! :-) Your garden is looking beautiful!

letslearnembroidery said...

Lucky cat!He has a safe home now.We have lots of visitors here, all roaming freely, being one with the nature.